Machx / MVVM-IOS-Example

A basic example of a way to implement MVVM using ReactiveCocoa
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Show how to pass models between view controllers & how to instantiate view models in viewDidLoad #1

Open fatuhoku opened 10 years ago

fatuhoku commented 10 years ago

One of the problems I have with MVVM on iOS is that when using Storyboards, the life-cycle of view-controllers are just messed up.

I would love to see how a model object (just a POJO) is passed from one view controller to another, and how then that model's properties are bound to by the view model. The view controller binds UI elements' values to the view model, and we're done.

Machx commented 10 years ago

I will consider this for a future addition to the project, but I don't guarantee anything. I probably need to update ReactiveCocoa,etc on this project first

fatuhoku commented 10 years ago

On this topic, I found that Ash Furrow's C-41 is very good reference for this sort of thing.