Macil / browserify-hmr

Hot Module Replacement plugin for Browserify
MIT License
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hmr client tries to connect to 2123 regardless of --port option #11

Closed Gozala closed 8 years ago

Macil commented 8 years ago

The --port option controls what port the local socket server listens on, but it doesn't control what port the bundle tries to connect to. You need to change the --url setting to set that.

In previous versions, the --port option used to be automatically determined from the --url setting, but the number of settings that automagically changed their default values based on other settings was getting pretty confusing and I decided to drop all of those in favor of making the user be explicit. (Making --port affect --url's default makes some sense, but then it seems like there's a misleading parallel for --host. --host can take values like '' which don't make sense as part of the url.) If the readme doesn't explain this well, please feel free to suggest improvements to it!