Open ons-mart opened 1 year ago
Do you not inventory daily?
Why would you need the information in Jamf more than once a day?
We run inventory updates daily. However, we’ve configured superman to allow users to defer up to 5 times and they can choose between 30, 60, 240 and 1440 minutes to defer. If a user defers twice for 240 minutes, the SoftDeferralCount EA in Jamf isn’t updated in between. As I like to have the latest info in Jamf I like to see how many deferrals a user has actually used.
Is it possible to run a Jamf Inventory Update the moment a user decides to defer? this would update the extension attribute and the information in Jamf would be up to date. Currently the user can defer but without the Inventory update the information for soft/hard/focus deferral counter doesn't get updated.