Macrow / rails_kindeditor

Kindeditor for Ruby on Rails
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转成https上传应该在哪进行配置 #90

Open Yohansun opened 7 years ago

Yohansun commented 7 years ago

Mixed Content: The page at “https”was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure form action 'http://xxxxx/kindeditor/upload?dir=image'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. 富文本编译器因我们改成了https 格式报错,想问什么地方可以进行配置吗

Macrow commented 7 years ago

rails_kindeditor 里面只是配置了相对url,并没有指定http或者https,

你用rake routes看看路由,看到底哪里出了问题

KLoong commented 7 years ago


Yohansun commented 7 years ago

我是对域名做了两个配置 http和https

KLoong commented 7 years ago


Yohansun commented 7 years ago

是的 我们当时看源代码来着 但是好像不了了之了 我们是后台用 后台就增配了http可以打开 https也可以打开 当有表单的时候 默认打开http连接 就不报错了

clownf commented 5 years ago
