The Open dialog box, when the app is run under Xcode's debugger reports:
2022-06-04 10:23:50.751935-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] cx.c3.cb7-archive is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType
2022-06-04 10:23:50.752044-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] com.yacreader.yacreader.cbr is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType
2022-06-04 10:23:50.752071-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] com.yacreader.yacreader.cbz is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType
2022-06-04 10:23:50.752094-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] com.simplecomic.cbz-archive is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType
2022-06-04 10:23:50.752116-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] com.simplecomic.cbr-archive is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType
2022-06-04 10:23:50.752137-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] com.simplecomic.cb7-archive is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType
2022-06-04 10:23:50.752150-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] com.simplecomic.cbt-archive is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType
2022-06-04 10:23:50.752481-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType
The Info.plist lists CFBundleDocumentTypes, but among the LSItemContentTypes are types that it fails to register in UTExportedTypeDeclarations
A side effect of this is that in the Finder, in List View, in the Kind column, .cbz files are listed as 'Data' as the kind.
The Open dialog box, when the app is run under Xcode's debugger reports:
2022-06-04 10:23:50.751935-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] cx.c3.cb7-archive is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType 2022-06-04 10:23:50.752044-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] com.yacreader.yacreader.cbr is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType 2022-06-04 10:23:50.752071-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] com.yacreader.yacreader.cbz is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType 2022-06-04 10:23:50.752094-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] com.simplecomic.cbz-archive is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType 2022-06-04 10:23:50.752116-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] com.simplecomic.cbr-archive is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType 2022-06-04 10:23:50.752137-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] com.simplecomic.cb7-archive is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType 2022-06-04 10:23:50.752150-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] com.simplecomic.cbt-archive is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType 2022-06-04 10:23:50.752481-0700 Simple Comic[60215:2644120] is not a valid allowedFileType because it cannot be converted to a UTType
The Info.plist lists CFBundleDocumentTypes, but among the LSItemContentTypes are types that it fails to register in UTExportedTypeDeclarations
A side effect of this is that in the Finder, in List View, in the Kind column, .cbz files are listed as 'Data' as the kind.