MaddiFurr /

A fun and fluffy discord bot
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AI Moderation Functions #2

Open MaddiFurr opened 1 month ago

MaddiFurr commented 1 month ago

The goal of this feature is to have an AI LLM (Google Gemini) do review on messages with context that meet certain criteria and give mods/admins the ability to determine more easily if a message is actionable and then handle it accordingly.

MaddiFurr commented 1 month ago

So far there is a basic list of words being checked for with definitions that will trigger the AI to attempt to filter and give a recommendation for a moderation action. However, the AI prompting is creating some mild issues and it's not always consistent.

This could be something related to the Generative AI and how the prompt is configured.

Since there is a fail-safe in place to catch in case the Generative AI isn't able to catch an issue, it will still push it to a Moderator or Admin.

Currently, the User Timeout function button is not working so it will alert the user of such if it's clicked.