Maddoc42 / Android-Material-Icon-Generator

Android icons with looooong material shadows!
770 stars 71 forks source link

Hi, this is awesome but seems to show problems in chrome 55 #17

Closed loooog closed 7 years ago

loooog commented 7 years ago

Uncaught TypeError: t.setRampPoint is not a function at offset (index.js:10) at Object. (index.js:10) at Object.o (index.js:5) at Function.i [as each] (index.js:5) at v (index.js:10) at o (index.js:10) at k (index.js:10) at index.js:10 at e (index.js:10) at k (index.js:10)

It seems to be the new version of chrome dose not work with the paperjs

Maddoc42 commented 7 years ago

Big thanks for reporting this! :muscle: sorry it took so long to respond.

I have updated the paper.js library to the newest version, seems to have fixed the issue in Chrome :smile: :see_no_evil: