Maddoc42 / Android-Material-Icon-Generator

Android icons with looooong material shadows!
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Allow to set custom svg background shape #8

Open AleksanderMielczarek opened 8 years ago

AleksanderMielczarek commented 8 years ago

It would be nice to set two icons. One for foreground (as it is now) and second for background (in addition to current circle and square). What do you think about this idea?

Maddoc42 commented 8 years ago

Great, I like it. Are you thinking about creating a pull request regarding this?

AleksanderMielczarek commented 8 years ago

I'd love to contribute, but JS is not my thing.

Maddoc42 commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the comment anyways :) I'll keep this open in case anyone feels like tackling this one, it shouldn't be too hard.

A couple of notes on how this could look like:

Maddoc42 commented 7 years ago

Hey @AleksanderMielczarek. Even though this thread is a little old by now, would you mind elaborating what background shapes you would like to use? Are those shapes custom to your application or are you simply looking for more options, like star, heart, etc? :+1:

AleksanderMielczarek commented 7 years ago


in this particular case I was looking for background in this shape (it has holes but it's ok, foreground for sure covers it). After all I used circle shape.

I don't know how hard would it be to implemented background chooser similar to foreground (circle, rectangle, Google icons and custom icon from local disc). Ideally with filled holes.

Maddoc42 commented 7 years ago

Ok, makes sense, thanks for the explanation :+1:

In theory not so super hard. It gets more complicated if that is combined with the score effect.

In any case, the issue stays :)