Madelena / hass-config-public

My Dashboards for Home Assistant - Advanced data visualizations, responsive design, a neat maximalist Metro Live Tile layout, and an ultraminimal tablet layout!
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Eagerly awating Astronomics #10

Open andjones132 opened 1 year ago

andjones132 commented 1 year ago

I saw your Astronomics dashboard when looking for a new HA theme and stubble across the Metrology Theme. While the Theme is Cool, what really caught my attention is your Astronomics dashboard. I came to this github repo hopeing to learn more. Alas, it is still in development. I will check back frequently as I would really like to incorporate this is my HA instance as it is super cool.

Normanras commented 1 year ago

What development are you looking for? Madelena provides all the files for you to use as templates in your own config. Whatever sensors you see on their dashboard but not in HA integrations means they custom added them via another yaml file.

You'll notice in the sensors and binary_sensor's dirs they are taking a payload from NOAA and passing the json into various sensors. You could do the same and even start by trying to replicate Madelena. Did that not work for you yet?

HexagonIsTheBestagon commented 1 year ago

Well, the code is already there, just not the pictures. I should know, I shamelessly copied it all and it's now running in my setup.

zoopster commented 1 year ago

Are you talking Astrometrics? If so, it's all there. The "pictures" are images pulled from the sites linked in the yaml. Dig into the yaml you'll figure out that you need to modify lat/long in a few and provide api keys in others, but it's all there. I revamped that page and have it all working. The most recent solar flares were picked up and I was notified as the alert came across NOAA.