Hi All,
Kudos for the hard work put into the project, it's really appreciated!
I wanted to be sure if I could use this project with a maven multi-module repo, because all examples I find are using Gradle.
AFAIK I understand the JaCoCo reports XML files should be the same no matter what tool is used to generate them.
Bellow you can see the output of a run and the action YAML I'm using.
JaCoCo maven plugin is generating the reports in the location: /target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml
Please do not hesitate for further information or debug info.
Resolved files:
project: {
"modules": [],
"isMultiModule": false,
"overall": null,
"changed": null,
"coverage-changed-files": 100
skip: false
prNumber: 1
update: false
JaCoCo Comment: > There is no coverage information present for the Files changed
Hi All, Kudos for the hard work put into the project, it's really appreciated! I wanted to be sure if I could use this project with a maven multi-module repo, because all examples I find are using Gradle. AFAIK I understand the JaCoCo reports XML files should be the same no matter what tool is used to generate them. Bellow you can see the output of a run and the action YAML I'm using. JaCoCo maven plugin is generating the reports in the location:
Please do not hesitate for further information or debug info. Thanks!