Madrapps / jacoco-report

Github action that publishes the JaCoCo report as a comment in the Pull Request
MIT License
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No Pull Request comment added on push #62

Open MichaelJHaywood opened 1 year ago

MichaelJHaywood commented 1 year ago

I've been having trouble trying to get the plugin to add a comment to the PR. I've enabled debug-mode and it successfully finds the Jacoco xml file. It outputs messages about the changes but doesn't mention trying to add a comment. The action is successful.

- name: Publish code coverage results
  id: jacoco
  uses: madrapps/jacoco-report@v1.6.1
    paths: |
    token: ${{ github.token }}
    min-coverage-overall: 40
    min-coverage-changed-files: 60
    title: Code Coverage
    update-comment: true
    debug-mode: true
    continue-on-error: false


Run madrapps/jacoco-report@v1.6.1
Event is push
passEmoji: :green_apple:
failEmoji: :x:
base sha: ...
head sha: ...
reportPaths: jacoco/jacocoTestReport.xml
Resolved files: ...
file: {
project: {
skip: false
prNumber: undefined

I can successfully add comments myself using a separate github action so I don't believe this is permission related.

Adds a comment successfully

- name: PR Comment Test
  uses: mshick/add-pr-comment@v2
    message: |

Am I using this incorrectly? Should it fail if it doesn't add a comment?

MichaelJHaywood commented 1 year ago

The problem seems to be here:


if (prNumber != null && !skip) {

If the prNumber is undefined we don't add a comment. In the case of a "push" there is no prNumber set.

I've managed to get this working by getting the PR number associated with the commit.

case 'push':
  base = github.context.payload.before
  head = github.context.payload.after

  const prs: any[] = (await{
    commit_sha: github.context.sha,
    owner: github.context.repo.owner,
    repo: github.context.repo.repo,

  if(prs.length > 0){
     prNumber = prs[0].number


Overall this means pushing changes will not update the code coverage comment without this change (or similar).

patrykosak commented 8 months ago

@thsaravana Can you reopen issue and apply this fix on master branch?

thsaravana commented 8 months ago

I am already making some changes in 1.7 in this area. So I will test this as well and will fix this in 1.7 properly.

vincent-fuchs commented 7 months ago

isn't the workaround also to trigger the workflow not on push event, but on pull_request opened / reopened / synchronize ? I think a push in a branch for which there's a PR always generates a synchronize. and you would not want the action to run on a push if there's no PR associated to the branch, right ?

guus-bloemsma commented 7 months ago

isn't the workaround also to trigger the workflow not on push event, but on pull_request opened / reopened / synchronize ? I think a push in a branch for which there's a PR always generates a synchronize. and you would not want the action to run on a push if there's no PR associated to the branch, right ?

The problem with that is that you always want to build and test on push, at least in main. Adding a comment to an associated PR is an optional addition. I wouldn't want to rebuild/retest everything just for the coverage comment.

sheepdreamofandroids commented 4 months ago

Is there still any progress on this?

jameshreaver commented 2 weeks ago

Same problem here, my workflows are triggered by push and I don't want to have to re-build everything in a workflow with a pull_request trigger. Would it be possible to either allow a PR number as an input or to try to get the PR number on push workflows too? It should be possible