Closed Bas-2k closed 5 months ago
I think there is some issue regarding this version of the torch. You can downgrade to 2.2.1 and try again.
It seems like fast_jl
is not installed correctly. I am not sure why trak.test_install(use_fast_jl=True)
passes. My guess is that it's a gcc
version problem.
meet the same problem, neither pytorch 2.2.1 or 2.1.2 work
updating gcc and g++ to 11.4 solve my problem
Hello, I have been trying to use TRAK for CelebA dataset for an age classification task using ResNet-50. However, I am unable to use the fast version as I get the following error:
ERROR:TRAK:Could not use CudaProjector. Reason: /cis/home/bpal5/anaconda3v3/envs/TrakEnv_v2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ undefined symbol: _ZN2at4_ops15sum_dim_IntList4callERKNS_6TensorEN3c1016OptionalArrayR efIlEEbNS5_8optionalINS5_10ScalarTypeEEE ERROR:TRAK:Defaulting to BasicProjector.
However, I think fast_jl is installed correctly:
Can you please help me fix the error? My environment has a torch version of '2.3.0+cu121'