MaelDrapier / musicalbeeps

A python module to play sound beeps corresponding to musical notes
MIT License
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API suggestions #4

Open r0the opened 3 years ago

r0the commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your library! It's the first Python library I could find that allows to play notes in a simple way.

I intend to use the library with my students. I have some suggestions to extend the API so it would be even more accessible for beginners:

  1. Default player: It would be nice to have a default player in the package much like with the turtle package so that one does not have to create a player object:
from musicalbeeps import *

play_note("C5", 0.4)
  1. Play a tune which is either a list of notes or a file name, something like:
class Player:
    def play_tune(self, tune):
        if type(tune) == str:
            with open(tune) as file:
                tune = file.readlines()
        for note in tune:
            if ":" in note:
                tone, duration = note.split(":")
                self.play_note(tone, float(duration))

player = Player()
player.play_tune(["C4:.45", "C4:.15", "D4:.60", "C4:.60", "F4:.60", "E4:1.2"])
  1. It would be very nice if the tempo could be changed. The tempo would be multiplied with the duration of each note:
  1. Disable console echo by default.

Thanks for considering my suggestions.

Rogue-Git-Dev commented 7 months ago

I ingeminate suggestion number four. The console output must be disabled completely or in the very least disable the note and the duration but ignore the frequency. I need this because I made a Simon game based on the library and no one can play the game without seeing the answers. There shall be a disable_console_echo variable with options such as none [as is now], all [disable console echo completely which shall be default], note [disable print of note played], frequency [disable print of frequency of note], and duration [disable print of duration for which note is played].

Moreover, I support changing the player for I do not care for the actual timbre of the tones and semi-tones.