As a user, I want to be able to select from different alternate routes that are not the shortest route.
Acceptance criteria:
Given that I am on the map page,
And I have put in my destination
I can click start and see my directions.
If I click the "Alt" button, I can choose from the suggested alternative routes.
Acceptance test:
Belonging to Feature FT2-9
Feature description:
As a user, I want to be able to select from different alternate routes that are not the shortest route.
Acceptance criteria:
Given that I am on the map page, And I have put in my destination I can click start and see my directions. If I click the "Alt" button, I can choose from the suggested alternative routes.
Previous evaluation:
Has not been previously evaluated
To be filled in by product owner upon evaluation.
To be filled in by product owner upon evaluation.
To be filled in by product owner upon evaluation.