Maescool / Catacomb-Snatch

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Gamepad Support #434

Closed eisensheng closed 11 years ago

eisensheng commented 12 years ago

As the title suggests, please add gamepad support to the game (including support for linux, please!)

Daniel-Griffiths commented 12 years ago

If somebody implements the binding of isaac style controls from this repo:

Then you could use a program like joy2key (not sure of a linux equivalent) to use your controller with the game.

eisensheng commented 12 years ago

Using a foreign tool to hack the gamepad support in is an insufficient solution imho. With a native support for gamepads, the next step could be a split-screen multiplayer game.

Daniel-Griffiths commented 12 years ago

I mean that could be done easily for now. I'm not even sure if java supports game pads.

master-lincoln commented 12 years ago

yes java support for gamepads is pretty easy (I think I used JInput the last time). But this still need the additional aiming controls you mentioned.

0x0ade commented 12 years ago

I am currently inspecting that one . Still in the first phases ( shooting with x and y axis ) but soon has it's own binding menu .

Flet commented 12 years ago

hey @AngelDE98 I know you had some work put into this.. hows it going? Since Ludum Dare is over, any chance we can get a commit? :)

0x0ade commented 12 years ago

@Flet and anyone other here :

Hi , long time I wasn't here .

Let's make it short : I have kinda planned to quit this project . Why ? I am working on my own game(s) and engine ( using Slick2D ) .

The problem was that I was just too unorganized with git - didn't knew how to merge requests on my fork WITHOUT destroying my joypad code ...

But I may slowly come back in when I have some time left . Because my game has heavy problems with applet loading stuff ( SlickExceptions out of nowhere ) I may fix that .

Hopefully git will not dissapoint me this time ...


Flet commented 12 years ago

@AngelDE98 no worries! Git can be hard to tame sometimes.

If you put your new game in a repo on GitHub, send me a link :) I've been playing a bit with Slick2D myself...

0x0ade commented 12 years ago

@Flet , let's move our chatting into IRC , ok ? Because I have already written Bitmap-To-BufferedImage and BufferedImage-To-Texture converters , so I may soon make a Bitmap-To-Texture converter specially for Catacomb-Snatch .

0x0ade commented 12 years ago

Also , when Slick2D support added ( which I will do , using code from my engine ) I will add PROPER OpenAL support ( that one used here is bugged . Paulscode + OpenAL just won't fit . Slick2D has it's own implementation for ogg and wav playing , so I may do another SoundPlayer class ;P )

0x0ade commented 12 years ago

Just accuracy problems with shooting . Gonna fix them , then do my first big change to this dirty repo after a long time ;)

kylecbrodie commented 12 years ago

The graphics abstraction I've been rewriting should make it easier to implement Slick2D/OpenGL. Sorry but school has been busy with AP testing the last 3 weeks and now coming up to the end of the school year. I just haven't had time. But I have most of the code under the graphicsEngine branch on my fork. Now looking at it, A lot of my recent work isn't up there. I'll push to it when I get home.

0x0ade commented 12 years ago

Done . If the above pull request gets added ( if there is no " above pull request " , see #969 ) , this issue can be closed ( just a reminder ) .

godleydemon commented 11 years ago

Gamepad support was added some time ago, closing due to the issue being resolved/feature being added.