Maescool / Catacomb-Snatch

Mojang's Humble bundle source
296 stars 100 forks source link

Roleplay Minecraft Plugin #989

Open godleydemon opened 11 years ago

godleydemon commented 11 years ago

Ok, so I know this has nothing to do with Catacomb Snatch. Its just kind of a call to arms for those that are still following the catacomb snatch github and really don't know what to do with there time while we wait on the multiplayer server code to get done.

I'm in the process atm in helping to create a very large minecraft roleplay interactive server. A lot of our builds are already finished. But the main issue we're having is our plugins; since we're custom designing most of them.

The plugins that we have in mind need to be custom, because theres nothing out there even remotely similar to them. We're basically creating a whole different game within minecraft and only using minecraft as a sort of game engine. (I mean heck, we're creating a gui system completely based through the server, no plugins needed, that lets you play casino games)

The basic proof of concept for the server: races, skills, town tree, ect. is pretty much done but we're struggling on the coding aspect of it. We only have a small team of coders and there working there butt off but its not going at the same speed as everything. A lot of us are now idle waiting on the coders.

SO heres a call to arms for any plugin coders that would like to get involved in something great and innovative. To get invited to github, add ryan.farina to your skype. Or you can join the fallen fates Github and ask there at Or you can add me on skype or message me here.

In case your curious here is a list of some of the people that are involved in the server, and I'm not exaggerating: BlockFortress, Antvemon, Hypixel, pimpmyminecraft.

All of the above mentioned youtubers have all been featured on yogscast and are all big names in the minecraft community. We're also looking at pulling in the wolfpack to see if they'd like to help (as I'm friends with many of there members). SO, swing on by and let us know if your willing to help, I know we'd be glad to have the hand in programming.

andy36 commented 11 years ago

hey @godleydemon , I am interested. I haven't done any Minecraft plug-ins before but have done a lot of java development. Let me know.

godleydemon commented 11 years ago

@andy36 hey we would be glad to have you help with any coding. If you got some experience you can always stop on by the teamspeak and chat with some of our codari (plugin developers) they have quite a bit on there plate atm, lol.

Teamspeak IP:

Just tell them Stuntman went ya, they know I've been scouting for plugin devs or coders to assist with the plugin coding. You'll also get the added bonuses of chatting with many of the above mentioned youtubers on teamspeak when they're on. But please don't bother them to much :p