Maescool / docker-Cloudlog

Dockerized Cloudlog amateur radio logging application
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New cron entry: run daily adif backup #4

Open hirschnase opened 1 year ago

hirschnase commented 1 year ago


I'd like to suggest to add this line into cron-cloudlog

@daily curl --silent http://localhost/index.php/backup/adif &>/dev/null

This call generates an Adif backup of all QSOs in the backup-directory of Cloudlog.

Wireheadbe commented 7 months ago

I've noticed cron doesn't do anything at all - because cron is started in a different context from web, and thus http://localhost doesn't work. It would probably work if we point to http://web/somethingsomething - that will make it work. I'll test and make a pull request.

Wireheadbe commented 7 months ago

Yup, this does the trick. Backup via the docker instance is a no-go at the moment. Because these days it requires the API key to execute a backup, and that is not available when you're bootstrapping your instance. Manual for now, but at least the existing entries will work with

--- a/docker/cron-cloudlog
+++ b/docker/cron-cloudlog
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-@weekly curl --silent http://localhost/index.php/lotw/load_users &>/dev/null
-@weekly curl --silent http://localhost/index.php/update/dxcc &>/dev/null
-@weekly curl --silent http://localhost/index.php/update/update_clublog_scp &>/dev/null
+@weekly curl --silent http://web/index.php/lotw/load_users &>/dev/null
+@weekly curl --silent http://web/index.php/update/dxcc &>/dev/null
+@weekly curl --silent http://web/index.php/update/update_clublog_scp &>/dev/null

Filed - but automated backup will most-likely not be in the possible scope of the docker container.