Closed ysuzuki1978 closed 1 year ago
if you want to start the analysis from fastq.gz files, yes. Otherwise, if your fast5 reads are in
We are using this paper as a reference for our 16S analysis.
I used the 4Primer method and trimmed 45bp from the barcode and the primer part. I also extracted only the 1300-1950bp reads.
For detailed bacterial flora analysis, we are sampling about 80k reads for further analysis.
Can I use fewer reads for downstream analysis diversity analysis?
The number of reads you should use for downstream analysis strongly depends on the richness of your samples, and the taxonomy level at which you want to perform your analyses. I strongly suggest producing some alpha rarefaction curves at different taxonomy levels, to check whether you reached a plateau in alpha diversity with fewer reads or not. SM
Hi, I'm closing the issue. Feel free to reopen it if you have any further related questions. SM
I would like to analyze the FASTQ output using my own guppybasecaller GPU instead of the MetONTIIME pipeline. Is it necessary to pre-process the reads with Nanofilt (e.g. remove reads less than 500 bp or longer than 2 Kbp) and sample them to 100 K reads with seqtk before running