MaestSi / UMInator

A Nextflow pipeline for generating consensus sequences from Nanopore reads tagged with UMIs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error Running Test Data #1

Closed ebwinter95 closed 10 months ago

ebwinter95 commented 10 months ago

Hi, I am encountering this command error "[E::stk_trimfq] failed to open the input file/stream." when attempting to run the test command.

I downloaded the Zymo data and adjusted all of the paths accordingly yet I am getting an error cause: Session aborted -- Cause: Process candidateUMIsExtraction (1) terminated with an error exit status (1)

Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you

MaestSi commented 10 months ago

Hi, could you please report the full command that you used, and edits you did to UMInator.conf file (if any)? My guess is that either you failed to specify the correct path to the fastq file or you forgot to mount the relevant I/O directories. Thanks, SM

ebwinter95 commented 10 months ago

I made no changes to the .conf file but here is the run command I used, in the meantime I will try reinstalling and remounting:

nextflow -c /oldhome/evan/UMInator/UMInator.conf run /oldhome/evan/UMInator/ \ --FW_adapter="CAAGCAGAAGACGGCATACGAGAT" \ --RV_adapter="AATGATACGGCGACCACCGAGATC" \ --FW_primer="AGRGTTYGATYMTGGCTCAG" \ --RV_primer="CGACATCGAGGTGCCAAAC" \ --fastq_files=/oldhome/evan/UMI_collapsing_testing/test_reads.fq \ --results_dir=/oldhome/evan/UMI_collapsing_testing/output/ \ --minQ=7 \ --minLen=3000 \ --maxLen=6000 \ --min_UMI_freq=10 \ --scripts_dir=/oldhome/evan/UMInator/scripts/ \ --medaka_model=r941_min_high_g330 \ -profile docker

MaestSi commented 10 months ago

Just remember to edit line 178 of UMInator.conf from containerOptions = '-v /home:/home' to containerOptions = '-v /home:/home -v /oldhome:/oldhome' to make both /home and /oldhome directories accessible to the container. SM

ebwinter95 commented 10 months ago

That edit made all the difference. Thank you!

MaestSi commented 10 months ago

Great! Best, SM