Maetrim / DDOBuilder

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Warlock: Multiple toggles Missing from Stances page #209

Open ValkyrieDuskfire opened 3 years ago

ValkyrieDuskfire commented 3 years ago

in the Stances Tab: many enhancements from the warlock enhancements that are toggleable and have a direct affect on the eldritch blast damage are not toggleable these include: tainted scholar: eldritch blast shape stance: chain (-1 pact damage die, eldritch blast damage scaled to 95% spellpower) tainted scholar: utterdark blast (force damage type changed to evil, if combined with any pact active makes some of the force damage a hybrid of both the pact type and evil, evil damage type boosted by allignment spellpower) tainted scholar: faltering blast: (applies a 10% chance to slow on hit) tainted scholar: penetrating blast (as utterdark but pierce damage, +1d6 damage) tainted scholar: enervating shadow (eldritch shape stance: causes a 10% chance for a negative level, scaled to 130% spellpower) warlock: pact: (all 6): adding additional damage based on level (+1, +1d4 per 2 warlock levels damage reduced on a particular save type dependent on the pact) Soul Eater: Inhumane Nature (the 2nd one): is a toggle that boosts damage to consume and stricken abilities Soul Eater: Eldritch Blast Shape: Cone: (+1d6 force, -1 pact die, scales with 130% spellpower)

the result is the breakdown's tab cannot correctly display the exact effects of Eldritch blast. notes: Warlock Pact bonus is a seperate toggle (you can in fact turn it off in game: why idk but you can its effects can be stacked with 1 Eldritch Shape and 1 Eldritch Essence toggle)

Eldritch Blast Shape Chain, Cone, Aura, Enervating Shadow and Eldritch Blasting are all Seperate "Eldritch Shape" toggles that cannot be active at the same time, they each scale differently in terms of spellpower. blasting, and aura are 100%, chain is 95%, cone and Enervating Shadow at 130% spellpower.

Utterdark blast, Faltering Blast, and Penetrating blast are all Eldritch Essence Toggles, only 1 can be active at any 1 time. they either change the base damage of the blast from force to a chosen type or apply a debuff.

all of the damage types that are added or changed in Eldritch blast are affected by spellpower based on the spellpower scaling of the Eldritch Blast Shape. (eldritch blasting is the default)

i realize this is complex, but i seem to recall a prior version of this program having these so it may be just a bug....

Maetrim commented 3 years ago

I have not actually done any changes in this area since pact damage was first added. Its something I will have to review but it looks like it will need a lot of change sin the background to show scaling and damage type properly.

So it is not something I am going to tackle immediately. For now I will leave it on the open list.

Cromfrein commented 2 years ago

Eldritch blast having 5 or so components being kept track of/modified may be worthwhile. Pact Total (Pact Dice [Scaling Modifier Pact Spellpower]); Base Total (Base Dice [Scaling Modifier Base Spellpower]) Things to keep track of are pact dice total, base dice total, their relevant spell power type, and scaling %. Additional effects should be listed in breakdown section.