MagLev / maglev

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:enum_for with args breaks #321

Open Patru opened 11 years ago

Patru commented 11 years ago

The following code (which has been copied from here) fails in

maglev 1.1RC1 (ruby 1.8.7) (2012-12-06 rev 1.1RC1-29699)[Darwin x86_64]

class Array
  def pair_sums
    self.enum_for(:each_slice, 2).map do |a, b|
      a + b

as to be expected you can enter it in rib but if you call the method as in


it will fail miserably, as it sooms unable to pass the additional arg to :each_slice. Ruby-Stacktrace is

irb(main):008:0> [3,2,1,4,6,5,7,8].pair_sums
ArgumentError: too few arguments
from (irb):4:in `pair_sums'
from (irb):9:in `__compileEval'
from (irb):11:in `__compileEval'
from /Users/patru/.rbenv/versions/maglev-1.1.0-dev/src/kernel/bootstrap/Kernel.rb:402:in `eval'
from /Users/patru/.rbenv/versions/maglev-1.1.0-dev/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:159:in `eval_input'
from /Users/patru/.rbenv/versions/maglev-1.1.0-dev/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:162:in `eval_input'
from /Users/patru/.rbenv/versions/maglev-1.1.0-dev/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:280:in `signal_status'
from /Users/patru/.rbenv/versions/maglev-1.1.0-dev/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:281:in `signal_status'
from /Users/patru/.rbenv/versions/maglev-1.1.0-dev/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:156:in `eval_input'
from /Users/patru/.rbenv/versions/maglev-1.1.0-dev/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:155:in `eval_input'
from /Users/patru/.rbenv/versions/maglev-1.1.0-dev/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:71:in `start'
from /Users/patru/.rbenv/versions/maglev-1.1.0-dev/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:70:in `start'
from /Users/patru/.rbenv/versions/maglev-1.1.0-dev/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:73:in `start'
from /Users/patru/.rbenv/versions/maglev-1.1.0-dev/bin/irb:30

I tried to generate a Stacktrace as you recommend, but I think I failed, see for yourselves:

topaz> set gemstone maglev
topaz> login
[Info]: LNK client/gem GCI levels = 851/851
[Info]: libssl- loaded
[Info]: User ID: DataCurator
[Info]: Repository: maglev
[Info]: Session ID: 5
[Info]: GCI Client Host: <Linked>
[Info]: Page server PID: -1
[Info]: Login Time: 08/15/13 14:27:56.008 CEST
[Info]: libicudata- loaded
[Info]: libicuuc- loaded
[Info]: libicui18n- loaded
[08/15/13 14:27:56.012 CEST]
  gci login: currSession 1 rpc gem processId -1 OOB keep-alive interval -1
successful login
topaz 1> run
  SessionTemps current at:#Maglev_ruby_debugFlag put: true .
System currentSegment: nil .
ctx := RubyContext load: #(  ) .
 "note you cannot debug Ruby MNU here"
" Exception installDebugBlock: [:ex|
   (ex isKindOf:NameError) ifTrue:[ nil pause ].
 ]. "
ctx runFileNamed: '/tmp/ruby.35tK' withRubyArgs: {  }
    withScriptArgs: {   } .
GsFile stdout close . "ensure final LF on stdout"
^ nil
error , a ArgumentError occurred (error 2718), too few arguments,
         during /tmp/ruby.35tK
ERROR 2718 , a ArgumentError occurred (error 2718), too few arguments (ArgumentError)
topaz 1> exitifnoerror
End of initialization files
topaz 1> 
[Info]: Logging out at 08/15/13 14:27:56 CEST

It works without a problem in system-ruby (1.8.7) on my mac or also in 1.9.3.

I can work around it by always passing a block directly, but of course you miss quite some features of Enumerable this way.