MagLev / maglev

GemStone Maglev Ruby Repository
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rvm installation failure? #451

Open mooreniemi opened 7 years ago

mooreniemi commented 7 years ago

Howdy! I followed your rvm installation instructions and tried running a "hello world" Ruby script. Here was my output:

ERROR 2258 , a ArgumentError occurred (error 2258), reason:rtErrPrimFailed, Primitive failed, receiver RubyParserM selector #'parse:cBytes:line:file:yTrace:warnings:evalScope:' arguments anArray( '#  This file adds entries in the Ruby session methods dictionary,
#    i.e. the session methods dictionary for environment 1.
#  The added entries will have keys being Ruby mangled selectors,
#  and values being Smalltalk methods already in the base server image.
#  The ruby method "primitive"  takes one or two String arguments
#     The first arg is an un-mangled Ruby selector, it will be mangled by
#        numArgs timesRepeat: [rubySel := rubySel copyWith: $: ]
#     where numArgs comes from the method found in the base server image.
#  The one exception is methods which take block args, which should include a
#  "&" at the end to indicate this.
#     The second arg is the Smalltalk selector.
#     If second arg is not present is is assumed to be exactly the first arg.
#     The receiver is a Class in which the session  (ArgumentError)
topaz 1> exit

Is rvm still supported?

jc00ke commented 7 years ago

RVM is difficult to support. Can you get MagLev running with a git clone of master?