Em um módulo terraform, apesar das dependências terem sido declarada e um timer especificado para dar tempo de desatachar o volume da instância e depois delete-lo, um erro é apresentado como se tivesse ainda anexado.
Comportamento esperado:
Desatachar o volume
Excluir o volume
Versão do provider:
module.instance.mgc_block-storage_volume-attachment.this["vdb"]: Destroying...
module.instance.mgc_block-storage_volume-attachment.this["vdc"]: Destroying...
module.instance.mgc_block-storage_volume-attachment.this["vdc"]: Destruction complete after 1s
module.instance.mgc_block-storage_volume-attachment.this["vdb"]: Destruction complete after 2s
module.instance.time_sleep.wait_30_seconds: Destroying... [id=2024-05-25T01:03:55Z]
module.instance.mgc_block-storage_volumes.this["vdc"]: Destroying... [id=c519fdbc-8a97-41c2-bc61-808138ab064e]
module.instance.mgc_block-storage_volumes.this["vdb"]: Destroying... [id=4ceac3c6-08c8-40b4-ae8a-ce3d514c24e1]
module.instance.time_sleep.wait_30_seconds: Still destroying... [id=2024-05-25T01:03:55Z, 10s elapsed]
module.instance.time_sleep.wait_30_seconds: Still destroying... [id=2024-05-25T01:03:55Z, 20s elapsed]
module.instance.time_sleep.wait_30_seconds: Still destroying... [id=2024-05-25T01:03:55Z, 30s elapsed]
module.instance.time_sleep.wait_30_seconds: Destruction complete after 30s
│ Error: Unable to delete mgc_block-storage_volumes
│ Service returned with error: (delete.volume.in_use) 409 Conflict - Volume attached to a virtual machine. To delete ityou must detach the volume from the machine and try again. (request-id:
│ 8c9eedab-1118-4ddc-ad3b-c8e637b80bc6)
│ Error: Unable to delete mgc_block-storage_volumes
│ Service returned with error: (delete.volume.in_use) 409 Conflict - Volume attached to a virtual machine. To delete ityou must detach the volume from the machine and try again. (request-id:
│ b61b6b6a-0f3a-4011-b560-aac9c30ce224)
Descrição: Em um módulo terraform, apesar das dependências terem sido declarada e um timer especificado para dar tempo de desatachar o volume da instância e depois delete-lo, um erro é apresentado como se tivesse ainda anexado.
Comportamento esperado: Desatachar o volume Excluir o volume
Versão do provider: 0.18.10