Magenerds / BasePrice

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JS Error on configurable product in M 2.2 #14

Open hallleron opened 6 years ago

hallleron commented 6 years ago

I have an issue where the swatch-renderer doesn't work anymore on a configurable product with base price in Magento 2.2.

The JS console throws an "Cannot read property 'element' of undefined" error when I try to pick another color, so the image won't change.

The critical line is in this screenshot: bildschirmfoto 2017-10-27 um 10 38 37

I should note that we also use Color Swatches Pro from Amasty, however this is a pure extension without modifying the actual swatch-renderer.js logic. Do you have experienced this issue as well?

sydekumf commented 6 years ago

Hi there, thanks for the report. Unfortunately BasePrice is not ready for 2.2. But any pull requests are really appreciated :-) Thanks!

jwittorf commented 6 years ago


first off thank you for providing the community with your free extensions and everbody contributing, much appreciated! I'm also using your GermanLaw module and am interested in any news on GDPR-compliance (

Aside of all that, I'm thankful for the fix provided for but since the latest comments on the issues date back quite a while I was hoping to get some info on how you see the chances of getting at least BasePrice ready for 2.2 any time soon.

Thanks in advance!