Open Eddcapone opened 4 years ago
I've got the same issue, what i'm guessing is that the data has to be migrated to the extension. When i created a test block before and after installing i noticed what the difference is between the content of the blocks.
Content column Before:
<p>Test 1232433454354353</p>
Content column After:
<div class="pd-row row">
<div class="pd-col col-md-12">
{{widget type="Magenerds\WysiwygWidget\Block\Widget\Editor" content="---BASE64---PHA+VGVzdCAxMjMyNDMzNDU0MzU0MzUzPC9wPg=="}}
decoding the base64 reveals PHA+VGVzdCAxMjMyNDMzNDU0MzU0MzUzPC9wPg==
is the exact content of the content block before.
There is also a page_designer_json field which also has this widget with the base64 string so it would have to be placed there as well.
"version": "1.0.0",
"rows": [
"columns": [
"gridSize": {
"md": 12
"content": "{{widget type=\"Magenerds\\WysiwygWidget\\Block\\Widget\\Editor\" content=\"---BASE64---PHA+VGVzdCAxMjMyNDMzNDU0MzU0MzUzPC9wPg==\"}}",
"settings": {}
"settings": {}
I think it would be a nice feature to add a installData.php which converts these columns to the structure pagedesigner supports. However this would also mean the Wysiwyg widget becomes a requirement.
Hi, i've created a script to automatically migrate the content to the PageDesigner format. You could get the diff from #48 and apply it as a patch or get the file some other way.
If you newly install pageDesigner it should run automatically. If it is already installed you can run it via
magerun2 dev:console "\Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(Magenerds\PageDesigner\Job\Migration::class)->migrate();"
To change it back to the normal Magento format you can run
magerun2 dev:console "\Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(Magenerds\PageDesigner\Job\Migration::class)->revert();"
NOTE: You could lose some data during the revert since it uses the first wysiwyg block to fill the content again.
I installed the extension and tried to edit a page, but I noticed that my old HTML is not there anymore? Is this extension only made for completly fresh Magento shops?