Maggi-Chen / Inspector

A tool for evaluating long-read de novo assembly results
MIT License
21 stars 9 forks source link

there no mixed in -r parameter #2

Closed zhoudreames closed 2 years ago

zhoudreames commented 2 years ago

in your,there are not mixed type,why? parser.add_argument('-d','--datatype',type=str,default='clr',help='Input read type. (clr, hifi, nanopore) [clr]')

zhoudreames commented 2 years ago

@Maggi-Chen i am so sorry to disturb you,could you help me ?

Maggi-Chen commented 2 years ago

By 'mixed type', if you mean short read plus long read, Inspector does not support that yet. We are planning to include short reads as additional input for smaller assembly error identification, but not in near future though. Read alignment is quite time-consuming, and long read alone can identify most of the assembly errors based on our benchmark, especially using HiFi reads.

If you have mixed types of long reads (i.e., CLR and HiFi), it should be fine if you set the data type to 'clr' for the assembly evaluation. There might be potential issues if you want to perform error correction following the evaluation step, as we use Flye for local assembly, which does not support mixed data type.

Bests, Maggi

zhoudreames commented 2 years ago
