MaggieAppleton /

⚠️ Now retired. My previous, poorly constructed digital garden built with Gatsby and MDX. Updated garden here:
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Implement Open Graph cards #106

Open MaggieAppleton opened 3 years ago

MaggieAppleton commented 3 years ago

MaggieAppleton commented 3 years ago

Sure that one could work. All the methods I'd looked at used serverless functions / puppeteer, but unsure how they exactly work. Skimmed through a few tutorials on it, but most were over my head.

I built a basic <OgImage /> React component on a new branch ma/og-image

And then created a page that renders that component:

I stubbed out the data for now, but each image takes three variables; title, growthStage, and lastEdit. These are all available in the metadata of all the posts in /content - notes, essays, and books. All other types of pages can show the default image Preview of the image component at the moment:


Also made a default ogImage for pages that aren't garden notes:


Somehow need to setup a function that automatically generates these with the post metadata, takes a screenshot, saves the image somewhere (I use Cloudinary for images and could host them there?), and then inserts the URL into the of meta tags

I have React helmet configured but it doesn't currently include images

texastoland commented 3 years ago

This ended up being surprisingly convoluted in Gatsby. In the end we arrived at 3 options ordered by complexity (all low difficulty and free):

  1. Jason wrote a superb post and accompanying Gatsby plugin to serve images from Cloudinary.
    • Pros:
      • Very little code
      • Works out of the box if you switch blogging engines
      • You already use it
    • Cons:
      • OG image logic is split between your blog and Cloudinary
      • Figuring out your image options isn't as straightforward as CSS
  2. Vercel offers an open-graph-image-as-a-service you can fork. Unlike Cloudinary you have complete programmatic control of your template. It implements the popular solution of using Puppeteer to prerender a web template. Each image is cached after its first request.
    • Pros:
      • Minimal additional code
      • Works out of the box if you switch blogging engines
      • You own the code
    • Cons:
      • OG image logic is in a separate repo and hosted on a potentially separate service
      • Needs an extra few lines of code to filter requests (by root domain, domain list, token, or something)
  3. Emma wrote a superb post and accompanying Gatsby plugin to generate images at build time. These components are a dime a dozen but hers was the only customizable and documented 1 I found. It implements the popular solution of using Puppeteer to prerender a web template. All images are saved to a static folder during the dev build.
    • Pros:
      • It's all in Gatsby
      • As configurable as React components and GraphQL
    • Cons:
      • It's all in Gatsby (if you switch later)
      • Generated in dev mode and you commit the generated asset (extra step)
      • Not as maintained as Cloudinary or Vercel official solutions