MagicForrest / DGVMTools

R package for processing, analysing and visualising ouput from Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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plotScatter() function #84

Open hol430 opened 12 months ago

hol430 commented 12 months ago

Hi Matt, firstly thanks for developing this package, it's certainly saved us a lot of time/code!

I'm interested in producing a scatter plot of multiple layers, but I can't see a way to do it with the current plotScatter() function. My use case is plotting observations on the x-axis against predictions from multiple model versions on the y-axis. I have the model outputs and observations set up as layers in a single object, but the plotScatter() API seems quite different to the other plotting functions (such as plotTemporal()) in that it only accepts a single layer name for each axis. It also doesn't allow controlling the colour of the dots, the axis label text, plot title, doesn't use theme_bw(), etc.

This is of course all pretty minor and I can achieve what I want by (gg-)plotting things myself anyway, I just thought it might be nice to have these things hidden by the abstraction of the package (as they are for the other kinds of plots).

MagicForrest commented 10 months ago

Hi Drew,

First of all, I'm glad you like package and it is saving you time and effort :-)

And yeah, the current plotScatter() is more-or-less a just a placeholder, except I never got around to filling the place! I don't have any immediate plans to do it, too many other priorities at the moment. But I would like to do so in order to round out the plotting functionality of the package. So let's see...