Closed TetrisSQC closed 2 weeks ago
I should probably be more specific. I'm unable to play UDP protocols like udp://@ According to the log exoplayer complains that the protocol is unknown. I suppose i have to create a factory in case of udp data.
{*****} JUdpMediaSourceClass = interface(JMediaSourceClass) ['{CD49097D-0584-41CC-9D20-D57C5082C82F}'] {class} function _GetDEFAULT_MIN_LOADABLE_RETRY_COUNT: Integer; cdecl; {class} property DEFAULT_MIN_LOADABLE_RETRY_COUNT: Integer read _GetDEFAULT_MIN_LOADABLE_RETRY_COUNT; end;
{****} [JavaSignature('com/google/android/exoplayer2/upstream/UdpDataSource')] JUDPMediaSource = interface(JMediaSource) ['{B79C41B4-9C3B-4835-AA96-02120EECFE2C}'] end; TJUDPMediaSource = class(TJavaGenericImport<JUdpMediaSourceClass, JUdpMediaSource>) end;
Hello, everything has been fixed in the latest committed version.
i do have some issues which are probably not directly caused by the implementation, but maybe you have an idea? I placed the surface with align contents on the screen and play a video. The video is for a while always just on 1/4 of the screen before it updates to the display. Some android devices are also unable to play mp4 (h264, aac) files which work fine on others devices. Same with audio streams like: Is there a chance to figure out why this happens?