MagicTheGathering / mtg-sdk-python

Magic: The Gathering SDK - Python
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using all() will get you all results, without caring about page #2

Closed MrGreenTea closed 8 years ago

MrGreenTea commented 8 years ago

Even if I use where(page=1).all(), I will get all results. When name is just a few characters (1-3), this will get absolutely out of hand and take forever. This might be wanted, but that all() ignores page keywords doesn't feel right...

adback03 commented 8 years ago

Initially, that was the intended behavior. After thinking about it some more, I agree that it makes more sense to allow the user to only get a specific page if that's what they really want. I have implemented this behavior in d4c7ce8, and will be part of the next package release.