MagicTheGathering / mtg-sdk-python

Magic: The Gathering SDK - Python
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Pull request checks will fail due to out-of-date tests #24

Closed Reid-E closed 5 years ago

Reid-E commented 5 years ago

My comment on this failed pull request details a single example, but it seems that server-side changes have resulted in tests failing.

The following tests produce the following failures (This information is also in my comment on the pull request):

test_find_returns_set (tests.test_set.TestSet) seems to fail because 'border' seems to have been removed from API responses

test_find_returns_card (tests.test_card.TestCard) seems to fail because of formatting changes, in the case of the pull request above, the addition of newlines before quote attributions in flavor text.

test_all_returns_changelogs (tests.test_changelog.TestChangelog) seems to fail because the server returns an empty changelog

test_generate_booster_returns_cards (tests.test_set.TestSet) seems to fail because the server does not consistently return 15-item boosters. In the pull request above it returned 13-item boosters. In the in-browser calls I made reviewing the test I was getting 14-item boosters.

test_where_filters_on_name (tests.test_set.TestSet) seems to fail because of the addition of the "promos" set (in this case PKTK) increasing the length of the returned list of sets.

test_all_returns_supertypes (tests.test_supertype.TestSupertype) seems to fail because 'Host' was added to the Types test instead of the Supertypes test.

test_all_returns_types (tests.test_type.TestType) seems to fail because 'Host' was added to the test instead of 'Hero', and B.F.M. has added 'Summon' and 'You'll'