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Enhance application-side support on Co-Build Protocol #349

Open devchenyan opened 8 months ago

devchenyan commented 8 months ago


CKB Transaction Co-Build Protocol details an off-chain protocol for multiple parties to collaboratively create CKB transactions. It encompasses standard procedures and data formats for transaction building and signing. In real-world scenarios, interactions between wallets and dApps necessitate functionalities like account retrieval, address synchronization, and message signing. Moreover, wallets need to emit relevant events when changes occur in addresses or accounts, for dApps to subscribe to. Additionally, the design and validation of communication methods between wallets and dApps are also essential.



Component Description
account_id chain_reference + : + identity
chain_id One of (mainnet, testnet, devnet)
identity The hash obtained by the first pk of the account



Get the Address list by specific lock script base, in the format of <code_hash>:<hash_type>.

    [<script_base>] :{
       page: {
         size: number           // the size of address list to return
         before: string         // used as the end point of the returned address list(excluded)
         after: string          // used as the start point of the returned address(excluded)
       type: 'generate' | 'all' // set 'generate' to generate new addresses if necessary; set 'all' to get existent addresses
    '<script_base x>' : Address[],
    '<script_base y>' : Address[],


Get a SignedTransaction over the provided instructions.

  buildingPacket: {
    message: Message,
    payload: Transaction,
    script_infos: <ScriptInfo defined above>[],
    lock_actions: <lock actions>[]
  witnesses:  Witness[]


   transaction: SignedTransaction 
  hash: string


Get a signature for the provided message from the specified signer address.

   message: string, // the message to sign
   address: string  // address of which private to sign
  signature: string



Emit the event when the account changed

   name: "accountChanged",
   data: string


Emit the event when addresses changed

   name: "addressesChanged",
   data: {
        addresses: Address[],
        changeType: 'add' | 'consume' // add: new addresses created; consume: addresses consumed

compound types


interface Address {
  address: string
  identifier: string
  description: string
  balance: string
  index: number


interface Message {
  actions: {
    script_info_hash: string,
    script_hash: string,
    data: object,


interface Transaction {
  cellDeps: {
    outPoint: {
      txHash: string;
      index: string;
    depType: string;
  headerDeps: string[];
  inputs: {
    previousOutput: {
      txHash: string;
      index: string;
    since: string;
    capacity: string;
    lock: {
      args: string;
      codeHash: string;
      hashType: 'type' | 'data';
    lockHash: string;
  outputs: {
    capacity: string;
    lock: {
      args: string;
      codeHash: string;
      hashType: 'type' | 'data';
    type: {
      args: string;
      codeHash: string;
      hashType: 'type' | 'data';
  outputsData: string[];
  description: string;
  [key: string]: any;


interface interface SignedTransaction {
  transaction: Transaction;
  witnesses: {
    seal: string,
    message: Message

Communication Method

Currently known methods include:

The CKB Transaction Co-Build Protocol mentions that the size of a CKB transaction varies depending on its content—it could be due to a large number of inputs/outputs, or substantial output data, meaning the size isn't constant. Per the CKB protocol's limitations, a CKB transaction could reach up to 600KB under extreme conditions. This implies that the BuildingPacket's size could be close to or even exceed 600KB, considering it also includes other components like Message, ScriptInfo, etc.

The first three methods all face the issue of having limitations on the size of data that can be transferred. Therefore, we can consider using WebRTC for communication.

Implement WebRTC for establishing a connection and communication:

  1. Create RTCPeerConnection:

    const peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);
  2. Set Up ICE Candidate Event:

    peerConnection.onicecandidate = event => {
    if (event.candidate) {
    // Send candidate to remote peer
  3. Create an Offer (Initiator) or Answer (Receiver):

    • Offer:
      peerConnection.createOffer().then(offer => {
      return peerConnection.setLocalDescription(offer);
      }).then(() => {
      // Send the offer to the remote peer
  1. Exchange ICE Candidates: Exchange the ICE candidates received from onicecandidate event with the remote peer.

  2. Data Communication: For data transfer, use RTCDataChannel:

    const dataChannel = peerConnection.createDataChannel("myDataChannel");
    dataChannel.onmessage = event => {
    console.log("Data received:",;

UX Design

devchenyan commented 8 months ago

Aspects not covered by the protocol, which we need to supplement include:

Currently known methods include: