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Add a troubleshooting page and add a menu item in `menu => help` #99

Closed Keith-CY closed 8 months ago

Keith-CY commented 1 year ago
  1. add a troubleshooting page as, better to be supported by

  2. add an entry to the troubleshooting page as image

A troubleshooting page is desired because many users don't visit GitHub. We've received many FAQs since we added contact us in menu => help, and many of them are pinned in the issue list. But users are not familiar with GitHub, so they still seek help from us directly. A troubleshooting page supported by algolia should ameliorate it.

The page will be an entry of neuron in the future, including download and user manual

Keith-CY commented 1 year ago


WhiteMinds commented 1 year ago

Now there is an issue regarding the design of the label scheme. First, let's talk about the prerequisites: the GitHub REST API uses an AND query for the labels parameter instead of an OR query. It may be possible to achieve an OR query with the GitHub GraphQL API, but it would increase complexity. Therefore, if we need to iterate over multiple labels, it would result in a higher number of API requests. By default, with a token, GitHub allows 5000 requests per hour.

There are several design options for the labels:

  1. All issues that need to be collected must have a specific label (e.g., troubleshoot), and then 1 to n additional labels to determine the menu hierarchy. For example, adding a label like guide would place the issue under the "New User Guide" menu, and adding create wallet would indicate that it belongs to the "Create Wallet" submenu under the guide. If we add the label faq, the issue can also appear under the "FAQ" submenu, specifically under "Create Wallet" (if the FAQ has such a submenu).
  2. Based on option 1, the labels can be modified to use a hierarchical structure like guide - create wallet. This way, a single label can express the complete menu hierarchy. The drawback is that if an issue belongs to multiple top-level menus, an additional label is needed. For example, guide - create wallet, faq - create wallet.
  3. Based on option 1, we can eliminate the requirement for top-level menu labels like guide and faq and only use labels for n-level menus like create wallet. The downside is that two top-level menus cannot have submenus with the same name, and it may reduce readability.
  4. Based on option 2 or 3, remove the requirement for the troubleshoot label. The drawback is that it would consume a higher number of API requests.
  5. All issues that need to be collected must have a top-level menu label (guide, faq, or announcement), followed by 1 to n labels to determine the menu hierarchy.

Personally, I lean towards option 2, which is troubleshoot, guide - create wallet. @Danie0918 @Keith-CY Do you have any other suggestions or recommendations?

Keith-CY commented 1 year ago

I have questions about the prerequisite

First, let's talk about the prerequisites: the GitHub REST API uses an AND query for the labels parameter instead of an OR query. It may be possible to achieve an OR query with the GitHub GraphQL API, but it would increase complexity. Therefore, if we need to iterate over multiple labels, it would result in a higher number of API requests. By default, with a token, GitHub allows 5000 requests per hour.

Why not query various labels separately to collect all related issues? Suppose we have 50 labels(it would be too many to manage, in my opinion), we can request 50 times to construct a catalog.

WhiteMinds commented 1 year ago

Why not query various labels separately to collect all related issues? Suppose we have 50 labels(it would be too many to manage, in my opinion), we can request 50 times to construct a catalog.

This is a method similar to option 4, where the number of requests made during a full collection is related to the number of labels and issues (with a maximum of 100 issues returned per request). We may need to perform a full collection in various scenarios, such as multiple runs during a deployment process (e.g., getStaticProps and getStaticPaths for different pages, which could potentially be optimized), or when triggering index uploads.

On the other hand, if we base the solution on the "troubleshoot" label, the number of requests made during a full collection will only be related to the number of issues. I expect it to be around 1 to 3 requests.

By adopting this approach, we can have a sufficient number of remaining requests to prevent exceeding GitHub's request limits during frequent deployments.

WhiteMinds commented 1 year ago

This is a method similar to option 4, where the number of requests made during a full collection is related to the number of labels and issues (with a maximum of 100 issues returned per request). We may need to perform a full collection in various scenarios, such as multiple runs during a deployment process (e.g., getStaticProps and getStaticPaths for different pages, which could potentially be optimized), or when triggering index uploads.

There is an important point that I forgot to mention: the getStaticProps of the issues/[id].page.tsx page triggers requests for issue details corresponding to the number of issues. This consumes a significant number of requests, so I am trying to minimize the usage of requests.

Keith-CY commented 1 year ago

Why not query various labels separately to collect all related issues? Suppose we have 50 labels(it would be too many to manage, in my opinion), we can request 50 times to construct a catalog.

This is a method similar to option 4, where the number of requests made during a full collection is related to the number of labels and issues (with a maximum of 100 issues returned per request). We may need to perform a full collection in various scenarios, such as multiple runs during a deployment process (e.g., getStaticProps and getStaticPaths for different pages, which could potentially be optimized), or when triggering index uploads.

On the other hand, if we base the solution on the "troubleshoot" label, the number of requests made during a full collection will only be related to the number of issues. I expect it to be around 1 to 3 requests.

By adopting this approach, we can have a sufficient number of remaining requests to prevent exceeding GitHub's request limits during frequent deployments.

100 issues/topics are quite enough in our case, I believe.

And suppose the issue list is fixed, the count of requests to cover the catalog won't fluctuate too much if the labels are not overlapped too many. It's similar to

1 label => 100 issues
1 label => 10 issues
1 label => 20 issues
1 label => 30 issues
1 label => 40 issues

1 request to 4 requests

Besides, the catalog could be cached to avoid requesting issue list repeatly


With the cache, we can only update the issue list on label change event and update the catalog without scraping issue list.

Keith-CY commented 1 year ago

This is a method similar to option 4, where the number of requests made during a full collection is related to the number of labels and issues (with a maximum of 100 issues returned per request). We may need to perform a full collection in various scenarios, such as multiple runs during a deployment process (e.g., getStaticProps and getStaticPaths for different pages, which could potentially be optimized), or when triggering index uploads.

There is an important point that I forgot to mention: the getStaticProps of the issues/[id].page.tsx page triggers requests for issue details corresponding to the number of issues. This consumes a significant number of requests, so I am trying to minimize the usage of requests.

We won't have so many articles.

And the requests could be reduced by Incremental Static Generation(

We can use algolia to trigger page generation progressively

Keith-CY commented 1 year ago

IMO, we won't have too many issues to be collected, and full-text scraping is enough

WhiteMinds commented 1 year ago

And suppose the issue list is fixed, the count of requests to cover the catalog won't fluctuate too much if the labels are not overlapped too many. It's similar to

1 label => 100 issues
1 label => 10 issues
1 label => 20 issues
1 label => 30 issues
1 label => 40 issues

1 request to 4 requests

Considering the possibility of having multiple submenus, there would likely be more than just a few in number.

100 issues/topics are quite enough in our case, I believe. IMO, we won't have too many issues to be collected, and full-text scraping is enough.

I agree with your assessment. That's exactly why we need to consider the frequency of requests. If we use webhook + storage, we don't need to worry about this issue since it would generate only a minimal number of requests.

With the cache, we can only update the issue list on label change event and update the catalog without scraping issue list.

My plan is to use storage only when our number of issues becomes large enough to necessitate it.

And the requests could be reduced by Incremental Static Generation(

I have implemented ISR, but considering that this project will be deployed together with the official website project, we still need to consider the possibility of request limitations during frequent deployments.

Keith-CY commented 1 year ago

100 issues/topics are quite enough in our case, I believe. IMO, we won't have too many issues to be collected, and full-text scraping is enough.

I agree with your assessment. That's exactly why we need to consider the frequency of requests. If we use webhook + storage, we don't need to worry about this issue since it would generate only a minimal number of requests.

With the cache, we can only update the issue list on label change event and update the catalog without scraping issue list.

My plan is to use storage only when our number of issues becomes large enough to necessitate it.

And the requests could be reduced by Incremental Static Generation(

I have implemented ISR, but considering that this project will be deployed together with the official website project, we still need to consider the possibility of request limitations during frequent deployments.

I would suggest starting from the simple assumption "we have limited articles to update", and consider the rate limit when requests are rejected for it.

WhiteMinds commented 1 year ago

I would suggest starting from the simple assumption "we have limited articles to update", and consider the rate limit when requests are rejected for it.

Alright, let's consider this issue once we encounter request rejections. I initially raised this concern because I noticed that there would be at least 8 submenus according to the design drafts. If we calculate based on 8 labels + 50 issues, it would result in approximately 100 requests for a single deployment. Once the number increases, there is a probability of triggering request rejections during frequent deployments on the official website.

@Keith-CY So we use a single label like guide - create wallet?

Keith-CY commented 1 year ago

I would suggest starting from the simple assumption "we have limited articles to update", and consider the rate limit when requests are rejected for it.

Alright, let's consider this issue once we encounter request rejections. I initially raised this concern because I noticed that there would be at least 8 submenus according to the design drafts. If we calculate based on 8 labels + 50 issues, it would result in approximately 100 requests for a single deployment. Once the number increases, there is a probability of triggering request rejections during frequent deployments on the official website.

@Keith-CY So we use a single label like guide - create wallet?

You've mentioned

the GitHub REST API uses an AND query for the labels parameter instead of an OR query.

What if label this article with guide and create wallet

Keith-CY commented 1 year ago

I would suggest starting from the simple assumption "we have limited articles to update", and consider the rate limit when requests are rejected for it.

Alright, let's consider this issue once we encounter request rejections. I initially raised this concern because I noticed that there would be at least 8 submenus according to the design drafts. If we calculate based on 8 labels + 50 issues, it would result in approximately 100 requests for a single deployment. Once the number increases, there is a probability of triggering request rejections during frequent deployments on the official website. @Keith-CY So we use a single label like guide - create wallet?

You've mentioned

the GitHub REST API uses an AND query for the labels parameter instead of an OR query.

What if label this article with guide and create wallet

In fact, I'll prefer to move create wallet into title

WhiteMinds commented 1 year ago

the GitHub REST API uses an AND query for the labels parameter instead of an OR query.

What if label this article with guide and create wallet

If we use the format guide, create wallet, then I would prefer fetching the issues with the guide label and categorizing them locally based on their labels. Otherwise, I feel that the guide label would serve no meaningful purpose.

In fact, I'll prefer to move create wallet into title

In reality, "create wallet" is actually a submenu. Perhaps I should provide a different example.

Keith-CY commented 1 year ago

the GitHub REST API uses an AND query for the labels parameter instead of an OR query.

What if label this article with guide and create wallet

If we use the format guide, create wallet, then I would prefer fetching the issues with the guide label and categorizing them locally based on their labels. Otherwise, I feel that the guide label would serve no meaningful purpose.

In fact, I'll prefer to move create wallet into title

In reality, "create wallet" is actually a submenu. Perhaps I should provide a different example.


Clear, I think gathering by guide and categorizing them based on create wallet is good for us.

WhiteMinds commented 1 year ago

Currently, a simple demo has been implemented: Repo:

Next, it is necessary to improve the data source (issues in for troubleshooting and assign them specific labels. This will require the participation of @Keith-CY and @Danie0918. This is in order to apply for, which provides a comprehensive documentation search solution (frontend implementation + indexing crawler implementation). If the application is not approved, we will need to either use Algolia Pro's crawler feature, or deploy our own indexing service using Docker based on the instructions in, or attempt to deploy on Vercel to run periodically (not sure if it is feasible).

This is the currently proposed menu and label structure:

Danie0918 commented 1 year ago

I have added 3 main tags and 2 sub tags under FAQ, and marked 3 issues.If you need more tags or tagged issues, please contact me.


Keith-CY commented 1 year ago


Keith-CY commented 1 year ago

How is the troubleshooting page going? It was expected to be linked in nervos official website


WhiteMinds commented 1 year ago

The latest progress has been pushed to the repository and deployed to


WhiteMinds commented 1 year ago

Since we have not received a reply from the Docsearch team, I plan to refer to to write a TypeScript version of the Docsearch indexer.

Alternatively, we could set up a machine to run Docsearch-scraper periodically. The advantage of implementing it in TypeScript is that we can avoid the crawler part and do not need an additional server. Instead, we can provide the markdown to HTML results directly during deployment to quickly create the index.

Keith-CY commented 1 year ago

Since we have not received a reply from the Docsearch team, I plan to refer to algolia/docsearch-scraper to write a TypeScript version of the Docsearch indexer.

Alternatively, we could set up a machine to run Docsearch-scraper periodically. The advantage of implementing it in TypeScript is that we can avoid the crawler part and do not need an additional server. Instead, we can provide the markdown to HTML results directly during deployment to quickly create the index.

What's the problem with scraping the page? I remember that algolia will scan pages daily to update the database by setting an API token

WhiteMinds commented 1 year ago

What's the problem with scraping the page? I remember that algolia will scan pages daily to update the database by setting an API token

The DocSearch team needs to approve our application before they can provide us with this service. Otherwise, we will need to deploy it ourselves or implement the indexer on our own.

WhiteMinds commented 1 year ago

BTW, their application processing procedure is not public and there is no way to check the progress except for waiting for their email reply.

Perhaps we can consider using a self-deployed Docker version for a few weeks during this waiting period, and if it still hasn't been approved, then we can consider implementing it in TypeScript?

WhiteMinds commented 1 year ago

The Docsearch application has been approved and is currently integrated.

I have implemented the mobile version of the article details page and now need to implement the mobile version of other pages as well.

Danie0918 commented 1 year ago

Here are 2 question:

  1. This version is only available in English.
  2. The search here on the home page has changed from the previous one and does not use the UI interaction.

image image

WhiteMinds commented 1 year ago

Here are 2 question:

  1. This version is only available in English.
  2. The search here on the home page has changed from the previous one and does not use the UI interaction.

Yes, this may be an issues that would be dealt with last.

Because i18n can try to translate all content at once with some tools at the end, and the search UI may take more time and have lower returns, it can also be postponed.

Danie0918 commented 1 year ago

A Chinese version of the Beginner's Guide has been completed, please check it out.The content of the newbie guide is categorized into three categories: About Neuron, Usage Tutorials, and Advanced Functions.

If there are no problems, I will upload the English version of the newissue later for the service to grab.

URL:[Google Docs]

@Keith-CY @yanguoyu

Keith-CY commented 1 year ago

A Chinese version of the Beginner's Guide has been completed, please check it out.The content of the newbie guide is categorized into three categories: About Neuron, Usage Tutorials, and Advanced Functions.

If there are no problems, I will upload the English version of the newissue later for the service to grab.

URL:[Google Docs]

@Keith-CY @yanguoyu

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Danie0918 commented 1 year ago

A Chinese version of the Beginner's Guide has been completed, please check it out.The content of the newbie guide is categorized into three categories: About Neuron, Usage Tutorials, and Advanced Functions. If there are no problems, I will upload the English version of the newissue later for the service to grab. URL:[Google Docs] @Keith-CY @yanguoyu

Please authorize us to add comments

Already adapted.

WhiteMinds commented 12 months ago

Basically it's completed for now. There are still some known minor issues:

  1. i18n now will (in console) report hydration errors in non-English cases.

  2. The clickable element effects did not consider multi-line text cases, which may underperform when there are multiple lines of text. Such cases are rare but could happen in the changelog page.

  3. The i18n rules for help center articles are not implemented yet. It should be configured based on labels and can be done when needed.

  4. The search box effects are not fully implemented according to the design draft.

I think these issues should not block the launch and can be fixed afterwards.

Sven-TBD commented 11 months ago

The FAQ document has been polished FAQ. @Danie0918 @WhiteMinds @Keith-CY .

Sven-TBD commented 10 months ago

The issues have been created as required here .

WhiteMinds commented 10 months ago


The initial version of the menu hierarchy was as follows: Top-level menu Guide, with second-level categories Create wallet, Backup wallet, Transfer and receive. Top-level menu FAQ, with second-level categories Sync, Transaction, Migration, CKBNode. Top-level menu Announcements, with second-level categories Change log, Develop guide.

Now it seems that a new Document is to be added under FAQ. Are there any other menu changes? For example, removing some, adding some.

Sven-TBD commented 10 months ago

Here'are the labels used in FAQ:


WhiteMinds commented 10 months ago

Okay, currently the Migration and CKBNode have been removed from FAQ, and Assets, Safety, Report have been added.

silySuper commented 9 months ago

Is this the latest testing website : ? Does neuron has entrance like this @WhiteMinds ?


silySuper commented 9 months ago

Bug issues link: