Open rorywalsh opened 9 years ago
Must be because the file "Assets/Magicolo/AudioTools/PureData/Plugins/libpdcsharp.bundle" should be manually copied to "Assets/Plugins" (the process is not yet automatic on Mac). To note that I haven't really tested on Mac, but based on the LibPd4Unity project (which I am using), things should work the same as on Windows...
Thanks for getting back to me. In the end I just wrapped Csound, which was where I wanted to get to anyway. Good luck with the project.
If i also copy the libpdcsharp.buncle to the Assets/Plugins folder of my project (into which i have imported "uPD.unitypackage", i get this error:
Multiple plugins with the same name 'libpdcsharp' (found at 'Assets/Magicolo/AudioTools/PureData/Plugins/libpdcsharp.bundle' and 'Assets/Plugins/libpdcsharp.bundle'). That means one or more plugins are set to be compatible with Editor. Only one plugin at the time can be used by Editor.
I just tried your package on OSX and I'm getting the following error from Unity:
DllNotFoundException: libpdcsharp
Any ideas how to resolve this? Do I have to build that first?