Magisk-Modules-Alt-Repo / Malwack

Say goodbye to unwanted digital pests and send malware running with Malwack, your virtual fly swatter for the cyber world. It's like having a bouncer for your device – no entry for malware, bugs, or party crashers! (A Malware, ad and spyware blocker for magisk)
80 stars 3 forks source link

Is it possible to add an anti-porn host list? #9

Closed sirleon23 closed 5 months ago

sirleon23 commented 5 months ago

Hi all! I was looking for an altyernative to adblock of Kninja which does not work. I used the anti-porn version Is it possible to add an anti porn host list for this module too?

Person0z commented 5 months ago

Hello, check the commands you can run to get anti-porn.

"Usage: malwack [--restore[-original | -default] | --blockporn | --whitelist <domain> | --help]"
"--restore-default: Restore the hosts file to the modules default state & updates it."
"--restore-original: Restore the hosts file to its original state. (No blocking)"
"--blockporn: Block pornographic websites by adding entries to the hosts file."
"--whitelist <domain>: Remove the specified domain from the hosts file."
"--help: Display this help message."