MagmaMcFry / Factorissimo2

Factorissimo2, a Factorio mod that adds factory buildings to the game
MIT License
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Incorrect icons in the electric network info. #72

Open joseph-peace opened 3 years ago

joseph-peace commented 3 years ago

(Somewhat related to an earlier issue i posted, but i figured i would be best to separate them} The factory power receiver (factory-power-input) and factory power supply (factory-power-output) icons shown in the electric network info are misaligned and zoomed in.

Can be fixed by using vanilla substation icon and related properties: icon = "base/graphics/icons/substation.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64,

This will, however, replace the factory building icons in the electric network info with substation icons. Upgrading the factory-X.png icon graphics to 64x64 may fix this problem while keeping the factory building icons in the electric network info but i haven't tested it.

Great mod BTW, keep up the good work.

JamieRCHI commented 2 years ago

I just found this myself. I added 64x64 pixel Icons that I made from the larger factory pictures, and edited the mod to point to the new ones in my copy of the mod. And I just changed the icon_size as was done above. For example: create_energy_interfaces(8,false,false,F.."/graphics/icon/factory-1-64.png")

I also changed the icon_size to 64 for the factory-ceiling-light.