MagneticParticleImaging / MDF

Magnetic Particle Imaging Data Format
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MDF Implementations - Cross validation #47

Open tknopp opened 7 years ago

tknopp commented 7 years ago

Within this issue I would like to track different MDF implementations (i.e. libraries using MDF). Given a list of implementations we should seriously think about doing cross validations.

tknopp commented 7 years ago

IBI/UKE At IBI UKE we have an implementation for reading MDF. Furthermore it is possible to convert from Brukerfile to MDF. What we are still missing is conversion from IMT/HDF5 to MDF. Our implementation is within a private Julia package MPILib. However, I just extracted the MDF part as part of an open source project MPIBase:

hofmannmartin commented 7 years ago

With the release of version 2.0.0 we will release as a reference implementation for handling MDF Files.

MandyA commented 7 years ago

We are working on files that transform IMT to MDF. Let me check with my student and Anselm what is the status (both currently not in the institute).

tknopp commented 7 years ago

That would be great.