MagneticResonanceImaging / MRIReco.jl

Julia Package for MRI Reconstruction
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BrukerSequence : Problem on 2D sequence with RawAcquisitionDataFid_360 #180

Closed NSimonneau closed 5 months ago

NSimonneau commented 5 months ago


There is error message when you try to apply the RawAcquisitionDataFid_360 on 2D bruker sequence (1 slice MGE sequence in my case). The problem come from the "acqFov" fonction who search for ["ACQ_slice_sepm"] (size of the slice separation) for the third dimension and it seems to doesn't exist anymore on Paravision 360.


aTrotier commented 5 months ago

It seems this parameter is missing in the Bruker MGE sequence. Maybe we can search for another parameters like : PVM_SPackArrSliceDistance

aTrotier commented 5 months ago

Should be solved by 648e41f