Som en del av planeringen lägger jag upp förslag jag hade på att ha dikter och citat till vädret. Jag valde kända citat som jag modifierade så att det skulle finnas ett väderfenomen med i citatet. Tanken var att t.ex solen eller olika väderfenomen skulle kunna säga citaten i bilder.
"The nice thing about being a sun is that if you burn people they think it's their fault."
The Sun
It’s finally hot enough to complain about how hot it is.
"You can avoid the sun, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding the sun."
The Sun
“Sunshine is knowing how to hide your raindrops”
― Citat inspired by Albert Einstein
“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of sunshine that makes unhappy marriages.”
― Citat inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche
“It's the possibility of having good weather that makes life interesting.”
― Citat inspired by Paulo Coelho
"What do you take me for, a cloud?"
The Sun (1890-1970), when a journalist asked him if he was stupid
It’s so cold outside I just saw a teenage boy with his pants pulled up.
It’s so cold outside, Miley Cyrus is stuck to her wrecking ball.
"You may not be interested in rain, but rain is interested in you."
Citat inspired by x
To be in the rain is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Citat inspired by Oscar Wilde
"Sun was a bore."
Citat inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
“We accept the weather we think we deserve.”
― Citat inspired by Stephen Chbosky
“All you need is love. But a little rain now and then doesn't hurt.”
― Citat inspired by Charles M. Schulz
“The rain will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
― Citat inspired by Gloria Steinem
“Be not afraid of rain. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have rain thrust upon them.”
― Citat inspired by William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
"The true measure of a man is how he treats cloudy weather who can do him absolutely no good."
Citat inspired by Samuel Cloud (1709-1784)
"Friends may come and go, but clouds accumulate."
Citat inspired by Thomas Jones
I've had wonderful weather, but this wasn't it."
Citat inspired by Groucho Marx (1895-1977)
"The nice thing about clouds is that they don't talk about other people."
Citat inspired by Lucille S. Harper
"The difference between pornography and erotica is lighting."
Citat inspired by Gloria Leonard
I have a boyfriend.
Oh wait no,
No that’s a storm.
Som en del av planeringen lägger jag upp förslag jag hade på att ha dikter och citat till vädret. Jag valde kända citat som jag modifierade så att det skulle finnas ett väderfenomen med i citatet. Tanken var att t.ex solen eller olika väderfenomen skulle kunna säga citaten i bilder.
Solen: "The nice thing about being a sun is that if you burn people they think it's their fault."
It’s finally hot enough to complain about how hot it is. "You can avoid the sun, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding the sun."
“Sunshine is knowing how to hide your raindrops” ― Citat inspired by Albert Einstein
“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of sunshine that makes unhappy marriages.” ― Citat inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche
“It's the possibility of having good weather that makes life interesting.” ― Citat inspired by Paulo Coelho
"What do you take me for, a cloud?"
It’s so cold outside I just saw a teenage boy with his pants pulled up. It’s so cold outside, Miley Cyrus is stuck to her wrecking ball. Regn: "You may not be interested in rain, but rain is interested in you."
To be in the rain is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Citat inspired by Oscar Wilde
"Sun was a bore."
“We accept the weather we think we deserve.” ― Citat inspired by Stephen Chbosky
“All you need is love. But a little rain now and then doesn't hurt.” ― Citat inspired by Charles M. Schulz
“The rain will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” ― Citat inspired by Gloria Steinem
“Be not afraid of rain. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have rain thrust upon them.” ― Citat inspired by William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
"The true measure of a man is how he treats cloudy weather who can do him absolutely no good."
"Friends may come and go, but clouds accumulate."
I've had wonderful weather, but this wasn't it."
"The nice thing about clouds is that they don't talk about other people."
"The difference between pornography and erotica is lighting."
I have a boyfriend. Oh wait no, No that’s a storm.