MahShaaban / pcr

Quality assessing, analyzing and testing the statistical significance of real-time quantitative PCR data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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CRAN second round comments #2

Closed MahShaaban closed 7 years ago

MahShaaban commented 7 years ago

I received the following comments upon the second submission

Thanks, please elaborate in your description the used methods (e.g. which tests).
Please add a reference in the 'Description' field of your DESCRIPTION file reference in the form
authors (year)
authors (year)
authors (year, ISBN:...)
with no space after 'doi:', 'arXiv:' and angle brackets for auto-linking.
Please explain the acronym PCR in your description.
Please fix and resubmit.

MahShaaban commented 7 years ago

The following changes were made in response add4dc7e3f7c47546bc22473368aecdbb7ba2cd9 & a3a06de57058d51aaa46f7267a8fbf5ee053b1c2