Closed P55-rgb closed 3 years ago
Hello @P55-rgb I checked your project. You must uncomment 55th line in "TM1638_platform.h" file.
The project was assembled without errors.
I think your seven-segment display is common-cathode type. Therefore, you must change seven-segment display type in 65th line of "TM1638.h" file.
Add this function to your project and call it:
void ClearAllDigits(void) { uint8_t Buffer[8] = {0}; TM1638_SetMultipleDigit(Buffer, 0, 8); }
void ClearSingleDigit(uint8_t DigitNumber) { TM1638_SetSingleDigit(0, DigitNumber); }
Hello. There are errors in the libraries! Can you view my project or post your working project?
c:\st\stm32cubeide_1.4.0\stm32cubeide\plugins\\tools\arm-none-eabi\bin\ld.exe: D:/ST_prog/tm1638my_pin/Debug/../Core/Src/TM1638_platform.c:135: undefined reference to `TM1638_STB_OUTPUT'