Mahmoud-Sedahmed / MF-LBM-CUDA

C++/CUDA version of the MF-LBM solver
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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how to config Drainage simulation control ? #1

Open xiangWu-WW opened 2 days ago

xiangWu-WW commented 2 days ago

Dear Dr. Sedahmed , Thanks for your work ! I am doing some multiphase flow study now with MF-LBM-CUDA. Your examples is Imbibition, it works well and run fast, but the drainage seems not good. it drainage slow and finally there is only a little process. Finally, the non-wetting fluids satuation is only 3%, i want to know how to config a Drainage simulation control? or could you show me more information of ' simulation control '

p1 p2

this is the txt file :




=========================== simulation_status ====================================

value stored on job_status.txt

new_simulation - new simulation

continue_simulation - continue previous simulation

simulation_done - previous simulation is finished. stop

simulation_failed - previous simulation failed. stop

simulation_reached_max_step - previous simulation reached maximum step. stop

else - wrong status. stop

=========================== simulation setup =====================================

Initial fluid distribution option:

1 - fluid1 (nonwetting phase) at inlet: drainage

2 - fluid2 (wetting phase) at inlet: imbibition

3 - a fluid1 (nonwetting phase) drop attached to y=1: contact angle measurement

4 - a fluid2 (wetting phase) drop attached to y=1: contact angle measurement

5 - a fluid1 drop located in the center of the domain: surface tension measurement

6 - fluid1 and fluid2 raondomely distributed in the pore space with desired fluid1

saturation: steady state relative perm measurement

0 or else - error!

initial_fluid_distribution_option 1


0 - regular simulation

1 - benchmarking simulation (obtain computational performance in MLUPS)

benchmark_cmd 0

Necesssary modifications for extreme large simulations:

nxglobalnyglobalnzglobal may be too large.

parallel I/O for visualization files are needed.

recommended for grid points > 1 billion.

0 - no; 1 - yes

extreme_large_sim_cmd 0

Breakthrough check option:

currently only works for drainage simulation by detecting nonwetting phase

fluid1 near outlet.

0 - do not check; 1 - check

breakthrough_check 0

Steady state option:

0 - non-steady state simulation (complete based on target injected PV or ntime_max)

1 - steady state simulation (complete based on capillary pressure)

2 - steady state simulation (complete based on phase field)

3 - steady state simulation (complete based on saturation)

steady_state_option 3


used in steady state simulation.

default is 1d-6, use 1d-4 or 1d-3 instead for steady-state-option 3 to reduce simulation

time and deal with fluctuation

convergence_criteria 1e-4

output field data precision (simulation is always double precision):

0 - single precision; 1 - double precision

output_fieldData_precision_cmd 0


0 do not modify geometry; 1 modify geometry in the code (hard coding, Misc.cpp)

modify_geometry_cmd 0

Use external geometry cmd:

0 - no; 1 - yes

external_geometry_read_cmd 1

choose type size of dimension variables saved in the geometry binary file:

4 - 4 bytes (int, uint, ..etc.); 8 - 8 bytes (long long, unint64, ...etc.)

(0) would be used in relatively small geometries (nxGlobalnyGlobalnzGlobal < 384^3), while (1) would be used in relatively large geometries (nxGlobalnyGlobalnzGlobal >= 384^3)

geometry_dims_type_size 4

Geometry preprocess cmd:

0 - process the geometry boundary infor during the simulation (not recommended for

large simulations);

1 - load external pre-processed geometry boundary info data

geometry_preprocess_cmd 0

Place a porous plate along the flow direction:

0 - no; 1 - block fluid1; 2 - block fluid2

example 1: injecting fluid2 (wetting) during imbibition cycle and block fluid1 from

exiting the inlet.

example 2: injecting fluid1 (nonwetting) during drainage cycle and block fluid1 from

exiting the outlet.

This option should only be used when you fully understand how it works.

porous_plate_cmd 2

Location of the porous plate along flow direction (Z):

placing the porous plate a couple of lattices before or after rock sample is recommended.

example 1 (near outlet): Z_porous_plate = inlet_buffer_layers + nxsample + 2

example 2 (near inlet): Z_porous_plate = inlet_buffer_layers + 1 - 2

only effective when porous_plate_cmd = 1

This option should only be used when you fully understand how it works.

Z_porous_plate 252

Change inlet fluid phase for Z < initial_interface_position:

0 - do nothing

1 - 100% fluid1

2 - 100% fluid2

Use case:

After the completion of the drainage simulation, one can use current fluid distribution

as the starting point to perform imbibition simulation. To reduce the simulation time, one

can eliminate unecessary fluid displacement in buffer zone and numerical artifacts from

open boundary conditions by change the inlet fluid to pure fluid2 (wetting phase).

This option should only be used when you fully understand how it works.

change_inlet_fluid_phase_cmd 0

================================= geometry ======================================

Lattice dimensions nxGlobal, nyGlobal, nzGlobal, must be integral multiple of

npx, npy and npz, respectively

lattice_dimensions 240,240,260

nxGlobal 102 nyGlobal 102 nzGlobal 122

inlet/outlet zone excluded in the bulk properties calculation

1<=k<=n_exclude_inlet and nzglobal-n_exclude_outlet+1<=k<=nzglobal

does not affect simulation

excluded_layers 10,10

n_exclude_inlet 10 n_exclude_outlet 10

domain_wall_status at xmin and xmax, status: 1 - wall; 0 - no wall

domain_wall_status_x 1,1

domain_wall_status_x_min 1 domain_wall_status_x_max 1

domain_wall_status at ymin and ymax, status: 1 - wall; 0 - no wall

domain_wall_status_y 1,1

domain_wall_status_y_min 1 domain_wall_status_y_max 1

default flow direction, domain_wall_status at ymin and ymax, status: 1 - wall; 0 - no wall

domain_wall_status_z 0,0

domain_wall_status_z_min 0 domain_wall_status_z_max 0

periodic BC indicator, 1 periodic, 0 non-periodic

currently, x direction can not apply periodic BC

periodic_indicator 0,0,0

iper 0 jper 0 kper 0

==================================== CUDA information ========================================

Number of threads in a thread block, in each direction

Preferred to be a multiple of 32 (warp size)

block_Threads_X 128 block_Threads_Y 1 block_Threads_Z 1

===================================== MPI information ========================================

mpi process numbers along each axis: npx, npy, npz

x direction domain decomposition disabled: npx = 1

MPI_process_num 1,1,1

npx 1 npy 1 npz 1

Number of halo nodes used in overlaping computation and communication.

x direction domain decomposition disabled and must be 0

This option should only be modified when you fully understand how it works.

MPI_async_layers_num 0,4,4

ix_async 0 iy_async 4 iz_async 4

=============================== fluid property ===================================

fluid viscosity

fluid1_viscosity 0.04 fluid2_viscosity 0.4

surface tension

surface_tension 0.03

Contact angle (measured through fluid 2):

It should always be less than 90 degree due to the particular numerical scheme used in this

code to form desired contact angle. Therefore, fluid 1 is always the nonwetting phase, while

fluid 2 is always the wetting phase.

Imbibition simulation can be performed by injecting fluid 2 instead of fluid 1

theta 20

beta in RK recolor scheme - control the sharpness of the interface (from 0.9 to 0,95 is recommended)

RK_beta 0.95

============================= injection conditions ===============================

inlet_BC selection (overridden by z (flow) direction periodic BC): 1-velocity; 2-pressure

inlet_BC 2

outlet_BC selection (overridden by z (flow) direction periodic BC): 1-convective; 2-pressure

outlet_BC 2

Injecting fluid saturation:

1: pure fluid1 injection (drainage)

0: pure fluid2 injection (imbibition)

0<sa<1: mixed injection

saturation_injection 1.0

Option to stop simulation based on reaching target fluid injection:

It is enabled by modify ntime_max based on injection rate.

The value is in PV (pore-volume).

It is not very precise considering LBM compressibility error.

A negative value will disable target_inject_pore_volume – simulation continues until existing ntime_max

target_inject_pore_volume -1.0

Initial interface position along z direction or initial drop radius for drop test

initial_interface_position 8.0

Capillary number, based on viscosity of fluid1

capillary_number 100e-6

initial value of body force or pressure gradient along z direction

body_force_0 1e-4

override loading inlet density value from the checkpoint file and use a new value based on the pressure gradient

rho_in_new 1

use the BC density value for the outlet density

rho_out_BC 0

Target fluid1 saturation:

used in steady state relative permeability measurement

randomly distribute fluid1 and fluid2 with target fluid1 saturation

target_fluid1_saturation 0.4

================================== timers ========================================

timer: max iterations, will be modified if target_inject_pore_volume > 0

max_time_step 1000000

timer: max iterations for benchmarking

max_time_step_benchmark 100

timer: when to output detailed visualization data - overridden by d_vol_detail if d_vol_detail>0

ntime_visual 5000000

timer: when to output animation (phase info only) data - overridden by d_vol_animation if d_vol_animation>0

ntime_animation 10000

timer: when to output bulk property data - overridden by d_vol_monitor if d_vol_monitor>0

monitor_timer 10000

timer: when to output profile data along flow direction (Z)

monitor_profile_timer = monitor_profile_timer_ratio * monitor_timer

monitor_profile_timer_ratio 5

timer: gaps used to record computation time

it is also used to check the checkpoint data saving status

computation_time_timer 10000

timer: when to display time steps

display_steps_timer 10000

timer: interval to save checkpoint data based on wall clock time, in hours

checkpoint_save_timer 1.0

timer: time interval used to save secondary checkpoint data based on wall clock time, in hours

use a large value to reduce the storage size

checkpoint_2rd_save_timer 5.5

timer: simulation duration in hours

save checkpoint data and exit program after simulation_duration_timer

simulation_duration_timer 168

timer: when to output animation data - based on injected pore volume

only effective for constant velocity BC, disabled if it is a negative value

d_vol_animation -0.05

timer: when to output full field data - based on injected pore volume

only effective for constant velocity BC, disabled if it is a negative value

d_vol_detail -1.0

timer: when to output bulk property data - based on injected pore volume

only effective for constant velocity BC, disabled if it is a negative value

d_vol_monitor -0.01

Mahmoud-Sedahmed commented 2 days ago

Dear xiangWu-WW,

Thank you for reaching out. I hope the code is helpful for your studies.

The drainage displacement process needs a larger pressure gradient than the imbibition displacement process. Hence, to reach a larger fluid saturation, the pressure gradient must be increased. To do so, you must modify the value of "body_force_0" in the simulation control file (simulation_control.txt) line 220.

Also, please take a look at lines 203 & 209 in the file (Init_multiphase.cpp), where the pressure gradient is related to the input density value of the boundary condition. Those lines will indicate the "body_force_0" suitable for your simulation. For instance, in a simulation domain of length (nzGlobal= 122), try the pressure gradient value (body_force_0) in the order value of 1-e3.


xiangWu-WW commented 2 days ago

Dear xiangWu-WW, 亲爱的 xiangWu-WW,

Thank you for reaching out. I hope the code is helpful for your studies.感谢您的联系。我希望该代码对您的学习有所帮助。

The drainage displacement process needs a larger pressure gradient than the imbibition displacement process. Hence, to reach a larger fluid saturation, the pressure gradient must be increased. To do so, you must modify the value of "body_force_0" in the simulation control file (simulation_control.txt) line 220.排水驱替过程需要比渗吸驱替过程更大的压力梯度。因此,要达到更大的流体饱和度,必须增加压力梯度。为此,您必须修改模拟控制文件 (simulation_control.txt) 第 220 行中 “body_force_0” 的值。

Also, please take a look at lines 203 & 209 in the file (Init_multiphase.cpp), where the pressure gradient is related to the input density value of the boundary condition. Those lines will indicate the "body_force_0" suitable for your simulation. For instance, in a simulation domain of length (nzGlobal= 122), try the pressure gradient value (body_force_0) in the order value of 1-e3.另外,请查看文件(Init_multiphase.cpp)中的第203行和第209行,其中压力梯度与边界条件的输入密度值有关。这些行将指示适合您的模拟的 “body_force_0”。例如,在长度为 (nzGlobal= 122) 的仿真域中,尝试以 1-e3 的顺序值计算压力梯度值 (body_force_0)。

Regards, 问候

Dear Dr. sadahmed, Thanks for your timely reply! It works well, amazine! Another question: how can i change the viscosity in the LBM to fit the real physics, like the viscosity of brine water is 1 cp, and the ScCO2 is 0.03 cp? Addtionally, i attempt to set the viscosity of fluid 1 as 0.004 and fluid 2 is 0.4, it does not work, i think should i change the surface tension or the caplliary number, i tried, but it does not work also. Finally, My GPU is RTX 3060(6GB), but the GPU memory is only used 388M , i tried improve the block_Threads, but it does not work too, the product of X, Y and Z of block_Threads can only be less than 128.

Best regards.

Mahmoud-Sedahmed commented 2 days ago

Dear xiangWu-WW,

I am glad your drainage simulation now works.

Matching the physical viscosity ratio in LBM simulations will require matching the viscosity ratio in LBM with the physical viscosity ratio. However, please note that selecting small LBM viscosities such as 0.004 results in small relaxation times in the collision model and approaches the edge of the stability limit of the model. Very low relaxation times result in instabilities in LBM simulations. Hence, it would be better to select a higher viscosity value and try different fluid-1 & fluid-2 viscosity combinations to reach a stable simulation while keeping the targeted viscosity ratio of 100.

As for your final question on the (block_Threads) parameter, its size, and limitations are related to CUDA and the kernel properties. It has a maximum size in CUDA of 1024 threads (block_Threads_x block_Threads_Y block_Threads_z <= 1024). However, the maximum size is affected by the number of registers allocated for the kernel as well. Hence, for kernels with many registers, the maximum size is reduced (e.g., 128 threads, as you experienced).


xiangWu-WW commented 1 day ago

Dear Dr. sadahmed, Thanks for your patient and timely reply again! I kind of know what you mean, i know the relationship between viscosity and relaxation time. P4

I tried the parameter of Dr. Yu Chen,


but it warning that 'Simulation failed due to NAN of saturation or capillary number' p6 The fluid property like this :

=============================== fluid property ===================================

fluid viscosity

fluid1_viscosity 0.339 fluid2_viscosity 0.009

surface tension

surface_tension 0.04

Contact angle (measured through fluid 2):

It should always be less than 90 degree due to the particular numerical scheme used in this

code to form desired contact angle. Therefore, fluid 1 is always the nonwetting phase, while

fluid 2 is always the wetting phase.

Imbibition simulation can be performed by injecting fluid 2 instead of fluid 1

theta 50

beta in RK recolor scheme - control the sharpness of the interface (from 0.9 to 0,95 is recommended)

RK_beta 0.95

============================= injection conditions ===============================

inlet_BC selection (overridden by z (flow) direction periodic BC): 1-velocity; 2-pressure

inlet_BC 2

outlet_BC selection (overridden by z (flow) direction periodic BC): 1-convective; 2-pressure

outlet_BC 2

Injecting fluid saturation:

1: pure fluid1 injection (drainage)

0: pure fluid2 injection (imbibition)

0<sa<1: mixed injection

saturation_injection 1.0

Option to stop simulation based on reaching target fluid injection:

It is enabled by modify ntime_max based on injection rate.

The value is in PV (pore-volume).

It is not very precise considering LBM compressibility error.

A negative value will disable target_inject_pore_volume – simulation continues until existing ntime_max

target_inject_pore_volume 1.0

Initial interface position along z direction or initial drop radius for drop test

initial_interface_position 8.0

Capillary number, based on viscosity of fluid1

capillary_number 100e-6

initial value of body force or pressure gradient along z direction

body_force_0 1e-3

override loading inlet density value from the checkpoint file and use a new value based on the pressure gradient

rho_in_new 1

use the BC density value for the outlet density

rho_out_BC 0

Target fluid1 saturation:

used in steady state relative permeability measurement

randomly distribute fluid1 and fluid2 with target fluid1 saturation

target_fluid1_saturation 0.4

I think that i should change the viscosity according to my domain size and capillary number, but i do not know how to config that. Finally, to simulate the viscosity of brine water is 1 cp and the ScCO2 is 0.03 cp in LBM, we only consider the viscosity ratio is OK? Best regards!

Mahmoud-Sedahmed commented 1 day ago

Dear xiangWu-WW,

Viscosity ratio is only one of the parameters that you match in your simulation of a physical system. There are more parameters and conversion factors that you should set. Please check the following paper for a comprehensive guide on this topic.

Regarding the warning and the simulation crash that you had, it could be due to a number of reasons, such as the geometry details, simulation parameters and boundary conditions. Also, it seems that the simulation crashed at the first simulation check, and that may indicate that it actually crashes much earlier due to many possible reasons. I would suggest reducing the interval of simulation checks to try monitoring the case closely before the crash. That may help you to investigate the reason. Also, I suggest starting with more simplified cases and testing your set of simulation parameters and boundary conditions before proceeding with a full porous media simulation and high viscosity ratios.