MahmoudMohamedIsmail / speaker-recognition-identification-system

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App Crash #2

Open ovninosa opened 7 years ago

ovninosa commented 7 years ago

If I run the app and open a wav file throw this exception over recorder.exe: System.TypeInitializationException Recorder.exe Over this method:

public static Sequence ExtractFeatures(AudioSignal signal) { return MFCC.MFCC.ExtractFeatures(, signal.sampleRate); }

If I run the app and enter a random name and push "compare" the app crash with the following exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException mscorlib.dll On this method: static private List LoadDataset(string datasetFileName) On this specific line: StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(datasetFileName);

The program look this file "TestingList.txt" over this path (of course this path only exist on your PC): E:\programing education\ain shams stage 3\just year\algorithm\labs\PROJECT RELEASE (1)\Startup Codes\Speaker Identification Startup Code\Speaker Identification Startup Code\Complete SpeakerID Dataset\TestingList.txt

Thanks for your time. Javenosa

ovninosa commented 6 years ago

Any help?
