MaiaVinicius / wabot

Envio e recebimento de mensagens por WhatsApp.
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Cannot scan for qr code #1

Open saxtorinc opened 5 years ago

saxtorinc commented 5 years ago

Hello im from Guyana i complied your code used the mysql and ran the code and go this =============================== | Iniciando Cron job. | =============================== =============================== | Rotina finalizada. | =============================== What am i doing wrong?

MaiaVinicius commented 5 years ago

Hi, you need to add a line in the tables: wabot_projects and wabot_sender. To fill these tables, you need to provide your phone number. After this you can run the source code.

axeldeveloper commented 4 years ago

Ola se precisar de ajuda estou a disposição para lhe ajudar comas futuras implemetaçoes