MaikuB / flutter_appauth

A Flutter wrapper for AppAuth iOS and Android SDKs
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redirect_uri return net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED #245

Closed hexes128 closed 2 years ago

hexes128 commented 2 years ago

everything for IDS4 login works fint,but when it redirects me back, the redirect page shows 'net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED' and when I close webview , I still cant get all the token image image image image this project I use your demo code ,only change client parmeters to mine,and all value match to my database Im not sure whether red error on my manifest cause this problem, they appears then your project is open, and even when new project is created

stefannovak commented 2 years ago

If you know the URL that should be called, then get the URL the webview is going to and compare the two URLs. That should give you some clues

MaikuB commented 2 years ago

This is something you'd need to check on your end as you're making use of localhost when it might not be accessible via your emulator/device