MaikuB / flutter_appauth

A Flutter wrapper for AppAuth iOS and Android SDKs
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Android Redirection on HTTPS callback scheme #505

Open BraydenCh opened 2 weeks ago

BraydenCh commented 2 weeks ago

My redirect URI is an Azure B2C link that is an https scheme, upon a successful login, I do not seem to redirect back to the main client. This was working a few weeks ago, but when I went to reload it and test it a few days ago, it would simply not redirect back...

I know all my links are correct (redirectUri, authEndpoint,tokenEndpoint, discoveryURL, clientID etc) when utilizing AuthorizeAndExchangeCode... which means the issue must be either my build.gradle or my AndroidManifest.xml from what I understand.

My AndroidManifest has added a new activity of net.openid.appauth.RedirectUriRecieverActivity with an intent filter that contains VIEW, DEFAULT, BROWSER, and the following: <data android:scheme="https" android:host=" android:path= ""/>

and my build.gradle has the manifest placeholder of 'appAuthRedirectScheme' = 'https', 'appAuthRedirectHost' = '', 'appAuthRedirectPath' = ''