MaikuB / flutter_appauth

A Flutter wrapper for AppAuth iOS and Android SDKs
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Support max-age cookie expiration, fix impossible to sign-in #508

Open michelerenzullo opened 1 week ago

michelerenzullo commented 1 week ago

There is a specific circumstance where it's impossible to sign-in anymore till the deletion of _session cookie in Chrome(Android) or Safari(iOS), even if the prompt=login. Related issue here and how it is solved

Steps to reproduce the issue, assuming you have a signin with auto code exchange and prompt=login, i.e should always force a new login:

  1. You log-in in your app
  2. You clear the data / uninstall app
  3. From your provider, you must delete the account where you logged in at step 1
  4. Open the app and try to login: you get always "invalid-grant" PlatformException(authorize_and_exchange_code_failed, Failed to authorize: [error: invalid_grant, description: grant request is invalid], null, null)

What would be the correct flow:

  1. //
  2. //
  3. //
  4. You should be able to login again, because prompt=login should be a guarantee that any (corrupted or not corrupted)_session cookie previously stored in the browser won't prevent you to login again


Possible solution:

Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 03 12 25
michelerenzullo commented 1 week ago

It might be the case that this is not really flutter_appauth issue, but more AppAuth0 or LogTo (provider), I'm not sure but please feel free to close it if you agree. For other devs that have similar issue, I opened a new issue in LogTo: