MaikuB / flutter_appauth

A Flutter wrapper for AppAuth iOS and Android SDKs
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[FR] Provide a way to close the browser #557

Open luis901101 opened 1 month ago

luis901101 commented 1 month ago

I have the following use case:

The user starts the authorizeAndExchangeCode flow, but then it can't remember their password to log in, so they request a password reset and the Authorization/Authentication server shows a message that an email has been sent to the user with a link to change their password, so the user goes to the email app and taps on the link they received, this link is handled by AppLink so the app opens to handle the password reset in-app.

At this point the browser (ChromeTab/SafariViewController) is still visible on top of the app, and unless the user closes the current Browser it would never see the Set Password screen.

This PR-535 aimed to do something like that.

MaikuB commented 1 month ago

If you're after this then you'll need to see if the AppAuth SDKs support it since this plugin is a wrapper for these SDKs and then submit a PR to repo for it