MaikuB / flutter_appauth

A Flutter wrapper for AppAuth iOS and Android SDKs
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[IOS] Would it be possible to support non-embedded browser (so use the default system browser) #565

Open MathiasCochet opened 1 week ago

MathiasCochet commented 1 week ago

I have been using a fork* of this library that adds the use of a default browser to authenticate. I had to use this becasue the way my authentication works is as follows:

This used to work just fine until iOS 18. If I click the login button I just get "error: unable to open Safari."

So I tried using the latest version of flutter_appauth. But then the flow breaks. it looks something like this.

*the fork:

MaikuB commented 1 week ago

This would be something you'd need to investigate to determine. The plugin makes use of the AppAuth Android and iOS SDKs so the functionality is really provided by those SDKs