MailCore / mailcore2

MailCore 2 provide a simple and asynchronous API to work with e-mail protocols IMAP, POP and SMTP. The API has been redesigned from ground up.
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Support for kerberos authentication on linux #1720

Open arthurzenika opened 6 years ago

arthurzenika commented 6 years ago

This is a follow up ticket of

Apparently for mailspring to have working kerberos auth, the functionnality need to be working in mailcore

dinhvh commented 6 years ago

@bengotow could you file a more specific issue on mailcore?

arthurzenika commented 5 years ago

Sorry for not being more precise.

IMAP can be authenticated using kerberos . An example configuration can be found

While using Mailspring which in turns uses this project, I get a login failure eventhough the IMAP clearly offers a AUTH=GSSAPI and my kerberos tokens are valid.

* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID ENABLE STARTTLS AUTH=GSSAPI AUTH=PLAIN SASL-IR] Cyrus IMAP git2.4.17+0-Debian-2.4.17+nocaldav-0~deb8u1 server ready
1 OK Begin TLS negotiation now
2 LOGIN arthur *********
2 NO Login failed: authentication failure

Maybe some inspiration can be take from and (sorry if this is not relevant, I haven't done any Objectif-C)

Is there any way to test out this auth directly with mailcore2 ? I'm taking a look at and trying to figure out how to test it out outside of Mailspring.

Thanks in advance.

bengotow commented 5 years ago

Hey! @dinhviethoa thanks for taking a look, I'll investigate this a bit further on the Mailspring side and see if we need to file a ticket against mailcore.

dinhvh commented 5 years ago

There's also that you can use as a start to build a minimal test.

arthurzenika commented 5 years ago

@dinhviethoa @bengotow thanks for reopening and taking a look at this.

I'm looking at the "iOS UI Tests" but I don't know how to launch them, can you point me in the right direction ?